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2007年1月19日 星期五
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Hi, Star: In fact, I was very envious those classmates had girl friends during the college year. I lied to my wife I had many girls. My wife is very proud of me, thinking I was popular and a hot item.
On the contrary my wife thought I was all by myself until she showed up and rescued me from being a bachelor all my life. So we need to back each other up, OK??!!
5 則留言:
On the contrary my wife thought I was all by myself until she showed up and rescued me from being a bachelor all my life. So we need to back each other up, OK??!!
長 空 飛 劍!!!你死定了!!!原來你一副不懂人事的樣子都是裝出來的。 怪不得老是聞到你的腥騷味,原來青澀的外表下藏著狐狸尾巴呢!winstonhohoho 你快快招來,當年是誰把我的清純少年帶壞的。◎☆◇☆ 我己眼冒金星了。
我想要 star 吐露一些別人的蛛絲馬跡,他都說:『忘記了!』哥兒們互相掩護得多麼密不透風呀!
至於過往那幾張照片 star 也不在內,原因是:『我拿著相機拍照呀!』您瞧,多好的藉口呀!
哈 哈 哈 有意思
Nope. Star was always quiet and conservative as I can recall. He should be a typical good boy by any standard.