2007年1月8日 星期一

歡迎 !

歡迎 白雪公主 大駕光臨!

Do you remember long time ago, one summer day, Two boys and I visited your home in 高雄?I believe you still don't know why we were there. 哈哈。。The night before, we went to 鳳山 for a party, within 30 minutes police came in and scooped us all up and escorted to the police station. Boys one side and girls the other side, interrogated one by one, where are you from, did you pay to come to the party, who was the ring leader, etc..... (the only thing I worried was my long hair at the time). We were detained pass midnight, tired and very disappointed, noway to go back to Tainan so we spent the night at a friend's home.

The next day, we had to find something to do, I don't remember who came up with the idea but I can assure you it's not me. hmm.... may be I need to send that person an invitation too!!!

p.s. 這兩位是我主動替他們註冊的,那個癩蛤蟆八成忙著打高爾夫,再不現身就只好電話通知了。
