2007年1月13日 星期六

Krazy Glue For Cuts?

Krazy Glue belongs in the hardware drawer not the medicine cabinet right? Well, maybe not. Some doctors are recommending a little of the glue for minor cuts. More…..

I had 2 minor cuts recently and it helped me tremendously. The first cut was almost healed but when I went playing tennis, it got torn again. Then I suddenly remembered that I saw this info once, so I gave it a try and Wow, it’s good.

Basically you want to wait until it stopped bleeding then apply a dab on it to glue it shut. It’s like an instant new skin - water proof and dirt won’t get into it.

If you want more sophisticated product, you can get it over the counter like Liquid bandage or No Sting Liquid Bandage, Spray; don’t buy New-Skin® Liquid Bandage (it stings).
