2007年1月6日 星期六

歡迎 mr. ho,ho, ho 加入

重人, 很抱歉, 讓你在外面 '搞了這麼久' 才進的來, 哈. 真感謝明炫的幫忙, 還是doublebond的長空飛劍比較厲害,哈.
我也被google 搞死了, 他的新版只是測試版, 還有很多bugs, 我也試了很久, 仍無法以新會員進入新版, 就只有照舊版的方式登入.

在我們65chemisty 下面的 "登入說明"我已重寫過了. 現在應會比較清楚.

and mr. hohoho, so sorry to let the girl in the photo mistake you as a naughty boy to have kept her waiting so long. but i think it'll be ok, as long as mr. ho, ho, ho don't go into 'the wrong chimney', and not give out 'the wrong present' and the most important thing is not to '搞錯人', 哈 , 就好了. right, mr. santa. or mr. ho, ho, ho. anyway, very glad to see you on boad, hope to see your message soon.