2006年11月25日 星期六

My new Stove

豆腐! 歸根究底還是要謝謝你,否則也沒有今天的部落格。
話說...They supposed to deliver the stove between 2~4 pm, I waited and waited,
at 4:30 I called and they said sorry, delayed. Anyway they came at 7:30 pm
and finally have the "range" installed. 期間還說瓦斯管線開關太緊不能關所以不能裝。
真是欺人太甚,“本人”只好親自動手,it's a little tight but nothing serious.

重點是務必要double check their work, when I was in Taiwan after gas cylinder was delivered,
they always light up a match and show you that there is no leak. I was thinking about
doing the same but my old age told me that I should just use soppy water.
And you know what, there really was a small leak (it could turn into a big problem,
because the connector was very loose). what a lesson!!
哈! 這裡也是發勞騷的地方。Have a nice weekend, folks!