2006年11月30日 星期四

One more gift idea

剛剛看氣象報告時才想到豆腐 漏了一項,就是送老婆大人去隆乳。
豆腐,Logitech 的webcam, 謝了!

gifts / 有關 webcam

明炫,我兩年前買的webcam, 是這網站(logitech)中最下面的 快看溝通版(Logitech QuickCam Communicate STX)的舊款,當時是最新的,價錢比現在貴多了,現在已經是比較舊了,不過仍相當好用. 上面兩款是新的,應該會更棒.

明炫,你說的沒錯, 送禮物要量力而為,像我之前順的時候,想到就送,一年可以送個好幾次, 最近幾年不太順, 已經好幾年沒送什麼禮物了. 而且那提議是以本班之光--石全, 宇宙無敵超級大博士(joe, 我夠狗腿了吧, 哈) 為基礎想到的, 因為是他提出的問題. 另外,當時已經寫的像star 所說的 '落落長'了, 大家的ideas 又一直刊出來,因此有些來不及寫就先發佈了.

我想送老婆大人的禮物,除了鑽石,珠寶, 維治的汽車,黃金 ( 黃金,金幣可保值, 欣賞, 不會壞又可當傳家寶. 據我了解, 維治是這方面專家,已經專研的十幾年, 甚至為網站寫過黃金,白銀等貴金屬的投資專欄, 有這方面問題也可以問他. 這幾年黃金,白銀都大漲, 他應該賺翻了, 下次等他請客, 哈), star 的音響,皮包 (差一點寫成包皮, 哈) .....等外, 我還有一些ideas. 當然這也是延續我前面那一篇未完的, 以石全為主, 其他沒有當到 宇宙無敵超級大博士的同學(包括我在內)為輔了.

1, 一趟出國旅行, 二度 ,三度 或N度蜜月. 甚至可坐 discovery 介紹的豪華郵輪,如Queen Mary II或歐洲東方快車...旅行.
2. 脈衝光的激光美白美容. 我太太及老丈人去做過, 效果不錯.
3. 一筆錢是不錯的想法(我老婆大人的想法), 讓她們自己買自己想要的.
4. 手錶, 衣服, 包包, 皮鞋,....等一些配件也不錯.
5. 一頓豪華的晚宴, 歌劇....等也不錯.
6. 沒有時間的話, 就到豪華飯店, 像維治所說的, 經過heartbeats後, long joe 變成 joe, 也不錯, 哈.我想我現在也比較沒什麼錢, 我就送維治推薦的這禮物, 哈.

其他的以後再想了, 這個死陳維治已經在msn譏笑我 "Wei-Chih 說 (上午 11:59):gee...must be a master piece" ㄍ安ˋ, 哈

Gift Ideas

I like durable and tangible gifts instead of consumable goods. Precious metals fit this category very well. I don't mean precious metal jewelries, which are over priced. I like gold, silver and platinum coins or bars. I buy my precious metals on-line from this place:


Of course, you can talk to their sales too.

It is so easy to open an account. Their service is pretty good. Most importantly, their price is very reasonable.

I focus on Chinese panda gold and silver coins because they are collectables and appreciate very quickly. You can see the values of those older panda coins at the same website. But, you have to pay a premium for them. Otherwise, stick to the bars or Krugerrands for their gold values. Other good coins are American Eagles or Buffalo. Make sure that you request the new coins sealed in a plastic envelope if they don't come with a plastic case. Those panda silver coins are excellent gifts for kids.

Please feel free to ask me if you have any questions. You have my e-mail and phone #. Good luck.


I downloaded "Attensa for Outlook free RSS reader "
Bla bla bla ………………….if you are not using outlook.

怎麼“自動”知道 65chemistry 有新的 post ?

Newsreaders (or Aggregators) 可以自動搜尋65年畢業班的部落格網址, 你可以設定比如每五分鐘掃描一次。有同學新的post 登出時就會通知你!

Attensa, works with outlook, 免費的,http://www.attensa.com/get-it/

Stand-alone software:
FeedDemon, http://www.download.com/3000-2164-10252579.html $29.99
FeedReader, http://www.feedreader.com/?fromfr (免費)




能夠建議那一個Logitec model嗎?


Hi, 石全:你的相機是不是C5050,我的裡面的一個小電池壞了所以每次換AA電池後都要重新設定日期,前幾天才自己修好。參考這個網站

2006年11月29日 星期三

star ,你說的沒錯, 這部落格越來越精采

要買網路攝影機 (webcam), 台灣的邏輯電子, logitech 是世界第一品牌, 效果不錯,請參考下面該公司的網站


X'mas gift




我應該來買個 logitec 的網路攝影機 (webcam)當自己的禮物。
嗯 --- 豆腐最後提的音響,今年可以考慮送她。

Merry Christmas every one!!!

RSS Feed Reader

I downloaded "Attensa for Outlook free RSS reader "

http://www.attensa.com/get-it/ (it's free)

You can set it up to check our "65chemistry" blogger every XX minutes or so,
and it will notify you whenever there is new post posted as long as your outlook is running.
There might be some other stand alone program available if you are not using outlook.

石全,明炫, star,謝謝了 / some ideas for gifts

star, 明炫, 石全 , 謝謝你們啦, 我只是響應 明炫盆景 的 '拋玉引磚' 下,也post出我的油畫處女作罷了. 不過我相信石全最老實, 因為他承認他的鼻子已經變的 long and brown, 哈. anyway , 謝謝大家.

star, 沒錯 ,如果我用一般的 dsc 拍我的畫, 相片外邊會彎曲. 我是用 logitech 的網路攝影機 (webcam) 所拍的. 你的收藏都蠻名貴的, 可買專業點的1000萬畫素,單眼數位像機 (SLR)來拍存檔,就不會有這問題.

聽到石全說我的畫, 可以拿到 "輸死比" 去拍賣, 雖然我知道他的鼻子變的 long and brown, 但是聽了還是很爽, 因此昨天上網找的一晚,不過沒什麼收穫, 倒是star 的話 , 提醒了我, 要買他們需要的. 早上又跟維治討論,他說買給現在的大小孩應該是 electonic gadgets. 因此我想到一些不錯的"禮物" 可以給石全或其他的同學作參考, 有些可能已經有了,可從中挑選.

1. 汽車 : 我們唸大學時, 都有腳踏車, 很希望有摩托車. 如果孩子還沒有車,給唸大學的小孩一輛新車, 應是最佳禮物.

2. notebook: 一部 centrio inside的 laptop,應是不錯的選擇. 如果能內建電視卡, 可以看電視, 更適合dormitory 的生活. 台灣出給歐洲的 laptop 有內建TVBT card ,可收看數位電視, 美國應該是要買具有 USB的電視外接盒. 基本上, 現在的小孩多比我們清楚, 帶他們去選即可, 或者就買 ibm 的thinkpad X系列, 我有一位朋友是ibm pc 部門被併前的採購主管, 他強力推薦 thinkpad.

3. wii : 這是nintendo (任天堂) 最新且最炫,最具臨場感的遊戲機, 11月19日上市, 沒有預定可能買不到, 但這是最炫的, 沒有多少同學有. 退而求其次, 可以買微軟的 xbox360.

4. digital still camera 數位像機( dsc) : 我記得我們唸書時, 也都會有像機. 可買500萬到700萬像素的就可以. 記憶卡也很重要,不論記憶卡是 sd card (Secure Digital Memory Card), mmc (MultiMediaCard) card, 除了容量大小外,要注意讀寫速度, 愈高愈好 . 速度愈高,在用dsc 拍短片時,比較不會有脫延的影像. 可買每秒在20 MB或以上的 , 或相當於150倍速度的(每一倍相當於150KB).

5. ipod, itune 或 ivedio : ivedio

6. 明年一月要出的 vista pc , with 3 ghz , dual core intel cpu (每秒運轉30億次,雙核心的intel cpu), memory size up to 2 gb dram(dram 最好要高達2g)
7. 音響

至於 老婆, 維治說的新車是很棒的禮物. 嗯, 他是個好老公. 我想 diamond ring with a GIA certificate 也是一個不錯大禮, 也是種投資, 永久不會壞, 又可以當傳家寶, 女人又很喜歡,現在就可享受的到. 如果有diamond了, 上品的 ruby 又漂亮也可保值.

太長了, 先貼了再說, 其他的想法 , 以後再補.

槌子,that's a good one!!!


Q. What do Disney World & Viagra have in common?
A. They both make you wait an hour for a two minute ride.

Q. Why is it called a Wonder Bra?
A. When she takes it off, you wonder where her tits went.

Q. Why does it take 1 million sperm to fertilize 1 egg?
A. They don't stop for directions.

LonJoe vs. Joe

LonJoe became Joe in a heartbeat...too fast. LOL

What I did during my Thanksgiving trip home was traded-in my wife's 3 year old car for a new one as her Christmas gift. She was a happy camper. When we grew older the gift has to grow proportionally. ha

Hi, 阿炫

Thanks for your note. You are right that it is a shame that we did not have time to chat much in the reunion, time is so short in that one day at ChungHsing.

Just like you I have watched too much Bob Villa's show and become more confortable with tools such as hammers, saws and brushes. But installing a gas-stove is not something i am ready to try, my hat off to the Master (you!).

Star was right that it is difficult to fine gifts (that they don't need) to our love ones. Electronic gadgets seems to be the best choices for the boys (including ourselves), but what about wifes? Star, any suggestion? You are the wise one, are you going to get another piece of beautiful antique furniture for 另久嫂? :-)!

2006年11月28日 星期二

油畫 & 聖誕禮物





Hi, Joe

Nice to hear from you. Time goes so fast, didn't even have much chance to talk to you while in Taiwan.

Tofu's painting looks great, many times I was tempted to almost want to try oil painting, but never set foot on it. I guess I watched Bob Villa's home improvement more than Bob Ross's Joy of Painting, so I ended up as a painter. On the opposite, Tofu became an Artist.

This year doesn't seem to have any exciting gadget that one got to have, mostly the prices are much lower. I saw a digital camera at Best Buy cost $125 and seems good enough, with a 2.4" lcd screen (samsung). GPS navigation is convenient but unless you travel all the time, not that useful. The worst thing is wherever you go, parking will be a problem especially at the mall. Anyway, Happy Christmas Shopping!!

2006年11月27日 星期一

Greetings to Bloggers of 65Chemistry

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

Hope that you all had a good relaxing Holiday except those who are not in the US.


I have to agree with everyone that you are very talented, I think you can put your paintings on the e-bay or Sotheby for auction (Star may be intrigued enough to invest on it!)! Ha Ha, I can tell you my nose is now long and brown!

Regarding you joke about Jong-Chia and me, you have to ask Jong-Chia about what "Lon" stands for? I can tell you that while we compared many things when we were roommates together, we missed the part you suggested..........hehehe!

For those of you who has started Christmas shopping already, any hot tips for good christmas presents (wife, college-bound kids..........) this year?

謝謝 各位好友

不能再誇了, 否則你們的鼻子不是會變長,就是會變成棕色的(brown nose), 哈.

謝了, 各位老同學. and looking forward to seeing your wonderful products soon, doublebond65.
對了star, 你的好東西非常多, 應該秀一些來讓我們開開眼界.



I also have some "products" to show, maybe I can post it in the next few days.

star, 謝了

受到star 的鼓勵我就再貼一張

應該是 bob ross 教的好.

哇! 功夫十足!!!


moraine lake,Banff National Park,canada

View Video in Windows Format

哇 ,很美

明炫 應是老婆大人的傑作, 很漂亮, 沒想到一個盆加幾朵花, 有這麼美的效果.

我也順便秀秀我的畫. 以前就一直想學油畫,前年看電視學大鬍子 bob ross (http://www.bobross.com/)畫的, 一共畫了三張, 這是 第三張. 畫中應是加拿大的夢蓮胡.

2006年11月26日 星期日

the flower arrangement

挺雅致的, the flower arrangement in the vase. It seems fit in very well with your lounge suite, cream?

Tofu, the 'equity' 聽的我霧煞煞. I just put it as stock or share, that would be probably easier for me.

I am very sure the blow-up thing wasn't done by me.

There is forecast the future fuel is H2 , make me somewhat uneasy. Always not very comfortable with hydrogen.



哈!, it's me.

1974? You sure have good memory!

My new Stove


That was a good lesson.

Okay...Here is a quiz.

Who blew up a battery with a match while checking if it was making hydrogen gas during recharging in 1974?

2006年11月25日 星期六

what is equity? 好問題

芳蘭 你很好學, 會不恥下問.

equity ,在財務報表上 ,叫做股東權益 ,是總資產減去負債, 也叫做純資產值.
equity ,也叫做股票,因此 equity price, share price or stock price, 幾乎是相通的.

Equity investment generally refers to the buying and holding of shares of stock on a stock market by individuals and funds in anticipation of income from dividends and capital gain as the value of the stock rises.

thank you friends

Yes, you are right, tofu.
And thank you friends offering me so many links to Carole's.

What is 'equity' ?

My new Stove

豆腐! 歸根究底還是要謝謝你,否則也沒有今天的部落格。
話說...They supposed to deliver the stove between 2~4 pm, I waited and waited,
at 4:30 I called and they said sorry, delayed. Anyway they came at 7:30 pm
and finally have the "range" installed. 期間還說瓦斯管線開關太緊不能關所以不能裝。
真是欺人太甚,“本人”只好親自動手,it's a little tight but nothing serious.

重點是務必要double check their work, when I was in Taiwan after gas cylinder was delivered,
they always light up a match and show you that there is no leak. I was thinking about
doing the same but my old age told me that I should just use soppy water.
And you know what, there really was a small leak (it could turn into a big problem,
because the connector was very loose). what a lesson!!
哈! 這裡也是發勞騷的地方。Have a nice weekend, folks!

芳蘭 you've got many friends/ 感謝明炫

沒有帶cd ,沒有關希, 這裡有很多carole king 得mtv.

哇, 我們的blog 越來越精采, 有照片, 有短片, 有科技, 有笑話, 有同學的近況 ...現在也可以有好聽的音樂. 大家都有貢獻, every little bit helps , right 但尤其感謝明炫的貢獻,讓我們的部落格,這麼精采.

聽聽 james talorcarole king you've got a friend http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vDWZ2xgghaI 芳蘭, 真的沒有帶cd , 沒關希, you've not only got a friend, but you've got so many good friends!

doublebond65 ,glad to know you seems to have a great ' black friday' in states, especially you mentioned the 'computer store' , that's what i expected...hope that will help the sales numbers of taiwan's high tech companies and their share price, ha.
and thanks a lot for all the contribution you've made for our blog and for the good news you've brought to me ( or us, i know lots of our classmates have investment in equity, ha)

After thanksgiving shopping day

He is 潘錫廉

Today is the craziest shopping day of the year,
On my way home this morning dropped in a computer store and it's packed with people.
Can't even find the end of the checkout line,
they need to assign one person just to guide customers to the end of the line.
There were at least 100 people in the line, I eventually gave up.

I will have a new stove delivered shortly, got to get it ready!

good comments

Good comments and thank you for the connections, doublebond

Was in such a hurry, I forgot to bring her CD when coming here. Will look for her album someday.

Who is that chubby boy on the first photo Tofu posted, in the front row between Liu and Ho?

One of my favorite

Hold on tight wandering65, I feel the earth move!!
I'd never been to the other half of the world, seems So Far Away.
Ya! one of my favorite singer. As getting older, I can really understand
薑是老的辣,不過在另一方面,又有點 It's Too Late 的感覺。

CK talks to Kerry O'Brien - Nov 16, 2006
Carole King - You've got a friend
Carole King in Australia
Another favorite -
Celine Dion Carole King - The Reason - The diva's - Live

明炫, star, 開過舞會的宿舍

你們說開舞會的是我後面這一間, 我跟文仁住的房子, 仍沒有變 .....在我的右手邊沒多遠就是你們以前住的房子, 我記得槌子也住那裡, 好像還有不少同學也住在你們那一棟.

謝了, Star

好像大多數人用 standard keyboard layout.

So, we can choose "blog this" or "create new post" to post,
"blog this" can't post pics but the other one can. see you later, got to go.

oooh!!! Old place, 3 old guys ...






看來同學們對這個部落格反應相當熱絡,這樣大家交談內容都在一個畫面,也比 mail 要方便。



Old place, 3 old guys ...

Thanks, tofu.

This is where we used to stay while in College. I don't think I can recognize any of it, except tofu and wen-zen's apartment which I frequented and we held dance party once or twice??

Hehe, so this is how to post pictures. Great!!
(I uploaded the original 2560x1920 ~1GB,
it turned out to a 1024x768 ~140KB pic.
still good enough for a print.)

2006年11月24日 星期五



請參考最上方'65chemisty' 下的說明.

how to post pics:

please refer to the notes listed below the heading ' 65chemistry'


Carole King

Carole King is coming, making one of her world tour performances here. I love her songs since I was in high school, but lost tracks of her during those years of my extremes.

A few days ago, Carole was on a TV interview after a concert in Sydney talking about her singing, song-writing and real-life styles --being natural and simple. I admire her spirit; she is over 60 now. She seems involve in issues of environment and politics these years, campaigning for John Kerry during last election of US.

Would very like to go her concert when she comes. After checking the ticket, oh! the price ranges from 133 to 62 USD. I have to think it over.

reply hair cut

I have done many hair cuts since then, unfortunately no one was good enough. What can I do, keep cutting!

ha, where was i?

doublebond65 and wandering65, sorry i was taking a nap just now, ha.

not like the blog in window live message, it's a tedious work to upload pics in google's blog and the memory size of the photo is limited under 50kb which is too small for most of the pictures we've taken nowsday.

fortunately , google say they are working on this matter, and hope they can settle this problem soon.

i'll tell you guys how to do it, but i'm now going out for dinner, sorry to keep you guys waiting.

and 明炫 i like the one you post yesterday,'wineopener', it's deep, man. a guy must be dirty and old enough to be a real dirty old man, like you and me, to understand it.... ha, i finally got it after having watched it twice ....ha

i like the 'mind you f'king business' joke... ha, it's deep too.
also thanks star for rooting me to take care of our blog, 哈 , 那我就不客氣了.

Little Johnny Joke

Little Johnny is sitting on a park bench, munching one chocolate bar after another.
After seeing him starting on his sixth, a man on the bench across from him shakes his head.
‘Son,’ tuts the gentleman, ‘Eating all that chocolate isn't good for you. It will give you acne, rot your teeth and make you fat.’
Little Johnny looks back at him. ‘My grandfather lived to be 107,’ he replies.
The man nods sagely. ‘But did your grandfather eat six candy bars at a time?’
Little Johhny looks at him. ‘No,’ he said, ‘He just minded his own f**king business.’

'nite folks


Last time I remember you are going to get a new haircut before you take your pictures.
Millions of them as you said, looks like it's about time... hmm...I wonder after all these years...
Hey! tofu, where are you when you are most needed.



What have you done ?


Couple of days ago there was an icon on the upper right for photo upload.
That's how I have one picture posted, but it has since disappeared.
tofu must know something about this.


還真想試試這個 '設定', 'delete', ha!

Hi, experts there, could I post graphics or pictures and how to?


Star 兄,很高興見到你的訊息。
先再次謝謝上次台北的"special treat"!

有一些中文輸入的問題 也許大家可以參考一下意見,
我用的是 microsoft new phonetic IME 2003 with associate phrase,
on English windows XP with on screen soft keyboard.

1. 有可能背得了注音符號鍵盤嗎,怎麼記?
2. 目前有更好的輸入法嗎?〈容易學〉


諸位同學不妨試試post看看,不滿意還可以delete, edit

feedback from Star

Hello, Tofu!



哈 歡迎 star

我們班的 65chemisty部落格,人越來越多了,而且大家提供的內容也越來越精采.

前陣子跟很多同學聯絡, 知道我們這些三,四年級生,有很多人電腦都不熟, 有些人只會收信,但不會回信, 也有很多不會打字,否則應會有更多人上這blog.

這blog,我是以我們班簡稱 65chemistry的名義去申請的,目前由我暫時管理,過一陣子再把管理權交給大家(哈, 我怕有些人不熟,會把設定弄亂了,或者更慘的是, 在"設定"中,按一個delete鍵就會把這部落格整個刪掉)

Star say Hi to everyone!

It's great to meet you here.

Happy Thanksgiving and enjoy your holiday!!!

2006年11月23日 星期四

wow, the amazing ''Meissner effect''

明炫, thanks for the clip of this amazing meissner effect.

what is meissner effect?
The Meissner effect (or Meissner-Ochsenfeld effect) is the effect by which a weak magnetic field decays rapidly to zero in the interior of a superconductor.

for more information, click here

2006年11月22日 星期三

謝了 明炫

我將 links 連到台灣瓷器--法蘭磁, 中國時報, 及與台灣電視台同步的電視新聞網站.


HyperLink 是也...

Strange, I did'nt see any difference before and after my editing!?
Glad you find out yourself, mailto: is also quite useful.

try this WineOpener.wmv
I like this ending better PokerRoom,WineOpener.wmv

Physics - The Meissner Effect - Video

thanks, doublebond65, but how do you do that?!

thanks, 明炫. our blog has been changed back to the oringinal version.

but how do you do that!?,... substitue 'click here' for a 'long link' ?

i think i find out how you did it, ha. thanks for reminding me to use this 'hyperlink' tool .

click here

welcome aboard , 南宏

thanks for your hint. after looking up my address book, i finally find out who the mysterious gentleman is.

i 've almost mistaken you for stone, ha...

南宏 welcome aboard, and great to know you're doing quite well in states too. hope to see more message from you in our blog and also see you in the next grand reunion ( or maybe any time before that)



I went to 鶯歌 a few years ago. The temptation to buy some 陶藝 was hard to control.

the website is too long

明炫 我們左邊的 contributors, links, and archives 被壓到最下面去了,我檢查的原因, 可能是你的剛貼上的website 太長了, 請刪掉,看看是否會回原狀....如果太久沒改,我就幫你改了, 抱歉


Beer Commercial


Click here

tofu, thanks!



2006年11月21日 星期二

who's who?

weclome aboard, lonjoe,

now we have two joes, i figure joe is shih-chuan, and lonjoe (short for long joe ?) must be jong-chia.

ha, but i'm confued.

we all know jong-chia is obivously 'longer' than most of us in height , but if compared with shih-chuan, i don't see which part of him is longer than shih-chuan's. does jong-chia imply the part we don't see is ....

they had been roomates for years, who know whether they had contests before or not, ha...

it's only a joke . no offense, lonjoe and joe,... glad to see you both are on board and look forward to seeing your message.

by the way, who's "Stan"

明炫 我幫你問法蘭磁公司了

不知道我們在說什麼的同學, 請進法蘭磁 franz 網站 點選繁體中文

你問的那個 '旺富木槿' 花瓶 值 台幣6,300= US$192
整套6件 27,700 = US $ 873...但目前沒貨, 12月才有貨.

至於我說很漂亮的, 在系列精選II 中的 快樂希望--汪洋系列
一組9件 49,200= US $1,497

至於在11/21寄的email中, 限量99套的那幾組, 每組28件, 每套28萬台幣, 等於US $8,519



You guys make it sounds very expensive,
what kind of money are we talking about?

As an example how much is that 旺富木槿 花瓶?
-the one you saw when choose 繁體中文。

Have a good shopping

Don't forget to take credit 'cards' with you, Tofu.

2006年11月20日 星期一

謝了 芳蘭

got it , it's on the 3rd. floor of miramar dept.

有空我會去看看,順便幫維治看看, 他好像說,他的限量品可以買來,以後給子孫作百年收藏. 這可能是一個不錯的主意 .

The Ferris wheel one

美麗華, wiht the Ferris wheel one, just opened not long ago, close to 大直.

where is mira mart mall?

芳蘭 你說的mira mart mall 是不是在民權大橋旁?



Mira Mart, a shopping mall in Nei-Hu of Taipei, is near where I lived until the very early of this year. A Franz store is established in this mall displaying all sort of their works; gorgeous! all I can say.

I used to go around there once in a while, browsing and appreciating. They really impressed me a lot, the design, the pattern; not the price tag though.

Happy Thanksgiving

I wish every one a very happy Thanksgiving next week.

2006年11月19日 星期日

Hi, 芳蘭, Welcome!

I have been in and out of my house this afternoon,
happened to login our Blogger while 芳蘭 is wandering around.
Unfortunately I had only about 10 minutes of time then.

Tofu's posted website is dazzling, with many breath-taking stuff.
While you are browsing, maybe you can also try the following link
and choose your favorite music to suit your mood.


Ok! mission accomplished.... see how hard I am working,
what's your next request?

this is a good website for women

fanlien, this is a good website for women


also good for the old rich man, i think . worth a visit.

這個法蘭磁公司網站, 產品真的很漂亮, 像系列精選2 的快樂希望--汪洋系列 就超棒

謝謝維治的誇獎 , 也謝謝 明炫的網站,我已經上去看過了, 哈

Tofu's E-Wave Lecture

Your video lecture is fantastic. Thanks for this free lecture. I finally understood the E-Wave theory and how to use it after neglecting it for so years. It is a powerful tool for any investor. After watching your video I believe that you have mastered all of the trading skills 10 years ago. Man, you are amazing....one of a kind. haha

fanlien , welcom aboard

歡迎加入 芳蘭,

i think your setting is okay.

in order too meet your request, i think doublebond and all we guys have to find some good websites for women too.

ha, i know it's you, thanks for telling me that in skype,ha

wondering from wandering

Why at the end of my posts got a pen mark for edit,
the rest of you don't. ??

anything to do with my setting?

Delete or Edit


click on the above link and simply delete your own post or edit as you wish.

Tofu, take some of my posts out please

Sorry, experiment!

Due to some error messages from the communicating windows, I've repeatedly clicked on the entry bar.

Who is Wandering65?

I can guess but am not sure who is wandering...... on this blog.


Welcom aboard! !

Hello, anyone there, 65chemistry

Enrolled in

Any site for an old woman, not dirty though, doublebond?
Guess you know who I am, from far side of the world.


Ha! glad to know you guys still have a young heart inside of your old body.
tofu, you are supposed to visit that domai web site daily, because
they post a new model everyday.

The other photo site is equally stunning.....

I got up at 6 this morning and went play tennis for couple of hours and
came back for a nap. I think this blogger is fantastic - Taipei, LA and Atlanta
seems just next door.

Wish we can have more old friends joint us.

Chaos theory


You are reading my mind. I have watched 1/3 of your E-Wave lecture and plan to finish it this weekend while I am cooking.

I think that if the movement of the stock market follows chaos theory, it must mean that human being's behaviors and thoughts are chaotic which lead to making psychotic decisions. This theory worked well on G. Bush's administration. LOL


無法查看此摘要。請 按這裡查看文章。



good morning, ming shen, it's a great joke, ha.

i figure after this mid-term election, bush's right and left brain have nothing right left, ha, ha... right?!

President Bush

President Bush got something wrong with his brain and
he went to see a doctor.
After medical examination, the doctor told him:
"Your brain has two parts: one is LEFT, and another is RIGHT.
Your left brain has nothing RIGHT.
Your right brain has nothing LEFT."



wei-chi, it's a very interesting news, and i finished listening the entire interview. in this news , the professor mentioned the theory of chaos many times.

the theory of chaos specifies that there exist simple and unified rules in a very complex system , and actually, the elliot wave principle (a technical method to predict stock's movement) i've been studying for years is alos one of many applications of chaos theory.

spend some time to watch my vcd, it might help you to predict stock movement.

2006年11月18日 星期六


Another Chung Hsing Univ. professor:


Turn on your speaker.


65chemistry: November 2006


who's stan? identify yourself , please


Can he swim? haha


無法查看此摘要。請 按這裡查看文章。

65chemistry: November 2006

65chemistry: November 2006

中文也可以的 只要你會打中文

看誰還沒有睡 叫他們來參加

我剛叫維治回來 哈


從小死了老爸,老媽拉扯我不容易,為了讓我健康成長,又搬了三次的家,給我吃好的穿好的為得就是讓我有出息。老媽和老婆落水當然先救老媽了,萬惡淫為首,百善孝為先嘛!老婆死了我可以再找一個,老媽死了可不能再找一個,再找一個那就是后媽了。聽說后媽沒幾個好的。 「世上只有媽媽好, 沒媽的孩子像根草。老媽,我來救你了」。撲通一聲孟子跳下了水



ha, great, ming shen is joining us.

wei-chi, the website you just post http://domai.com is good for those dirty old men in our class. ha, i think it's also good for doublebond, ...but i just don't know what ming shen need doublebond for, .... for....ha ,aha,

you're more than welcome to join us, ming-shen

This is getting interested

Motorola, your wife called




you sure can, but the size of the memory is limited , i forgot how big, and the procedure is tedious, ... you may try it and see how big of the photo you can upload,.... remember the photo's file name must be in jpg.

i ever used paintbrush to compress the photo, but this blogger won't accept it

Hi, Bikerdoc65 & to fu

I guess this is the site that we can post information for everybody to see.
I wonder ... can we post pics??


http://www.sky.fm/ 老太太, 老先生, 小朋友... 通通都可以。

http://www.fredmiranda.com/ 清純少女,少男請進這裡。



gee, duh?

duh (dŭ) interj.
Used to express disdain for something deemed stupid or obvious, especially a self-evident remark.

65chemistry: November 2006

65chemistry: November 2006
I had to establish username and password in order to post.

65chemistry: November 2006

65chemistry: November 2006

Wei-Chih 說:You wrote "are you there , wei-chi, see if this blog works"

wilbur du 杜 說:right

Wei-Chih 說:where do I reply

tofu: do you see 'blog this' on the left top, just click it and write anything you want to chat on it, then click the 'orange bar' down below to send



are you there , wei-chi, see if this blog works

how they past calculus

當年微積分 是如何過關的

2006/11/02 台北福華飯店 餞行會

see how we danced
