2013年1月1日 星期二


可買美國的 caf, 台灣的fb上證(006205,), 元上證(006206), 現在都已如預期大漲.

大陸股市整理了5年多, 上個月才結束大空頭走勢, 後面還有很大的空間, 還會走很久.

有閒置資金的同學 如尚未進場, 可以趁拉回時多少買一點.
但又怕短線不回, 那就少量先買一點, 大約是想買這些標的資金的1/4 ~1/3. 等到有拉回時再加碼.

下圖是昨天12/31 美國caf 收盤一天大漲6%多的圖

3 則留言:

Bikerdoc65 提到...

Excellent call Tofu. Thanks for the lead. I should have nibbled some first. then wait for the pullback to buy more. I missed the entry point.

CAF is a closed-end fund which means that it has a fix number of stocks in the fund. The real CAF trading price could be traded at a premium or discount to their net asset value(NAV). It is traded at 3.44% premium as for now, which is not out of line for a very bullish stock.


Therefore, it will be more volatile than FXI. This an interesting play. I will try to squeeze in some shares. Thanks again.

tofu 提到...

維治兄, 謝謝你的解說, 且提供一個查caf淨值的網站...

我這邊也有一個中文網站, 也可以查各種etf的淨值或溢價.


Bikerdoc65 提到...


Thank you bro. I made the easiest 10% without working. Owe you a big one. hehe
