2008年12月27日 星期六



6 則留言:

長空飛劍65 提到...

  * 糯米一杯(煮飯量米的量杯)
  * 米酒或水同樣的杯子八分滿
  * 龍眼乾依個人喜好,約可平舖在糯米上最剛好。
  * 砂糖
  * 洗好的糯米浸泡3~4小時。糯米和水(米酒)的比例約1 : 0.8。
  * 將龍眼乾平舖在糯米上,放進電子鍋中煮或者電鍋亦可(外鍋放一杯水)。
  * 煮好後不要馬上打開,再悶個10~15分鐘。
  * 打開後(如下圖),依個人喜好把糖拌進去。(喜歡酒香甘醇者,可酌量再加一點米酒。)

tofu 提到...

飛劍兄 今日多才多藝. 看了你的食譜, 改天我也請我老婆來做一個來嚐嚐......我想,若是再加點豆沙, 那就更棒了.

tofu 提到...

飛劍兄 今日多才多藝. 看了你的食譜, 改天我也請我老婆來做一個來嚐嚐......我想,若是再加點豆沙, 那就更棒了.

Bikerdoc65 提到...

Gee! Tofu has a pair of precious hands. His wife must have spoiled this dude.

Ironically, Tofu does put ups, situps and fast walks to keep healthy, but he can't do a little bit exercise in the kitchen. Once he understand this point he will enjoy honeymoon all over again. LOL..lol

I am actually preparing it right now. No honeymooner at here. I'll report the results later. ha

Bikerdoc65 提到...

Wah! It is magic Ming.

My rice wine is salted for cooking, therefore, I only used about 1/4 amount. The taste is fantastic after I blended a little bit of sugar. I guess a little bit salt in the rice wine did help bringing out more flavor.

Thanks Ming. Now, I have another one dish to brag about. ha

Bikerdoc65 提到...

I made it three times so far. I changed the recipe a little bit at a time. I love every one of them. it has been a home run recipe. Thanks Ming.