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2008年12月16日 星期二
時代雜誌 2008 最佳10大新玩意
top ten everything of 2008-- time
電影007 james bond 手上的新玩意.
1. Optoma Pico PK-101 台灣興櫃 奧圖碼公司製造
Of all the gadgets on this list, this is the one that James Bond is most likely to carry. That is, it's the coolest gadget of the year. It's a pocket projector — meaning you plug the 4.1-inch gizmo into your iPod or iPhone, and it projects your movies on a wall, or even on the seat back in front of you on the plane. It displays images crisply on a surface as close as 8 inches away and as distant as 8 feet away, even in daylight. The super-bright Pico weighs 4 ounces and is smaller than many cell phones. Two cautionary notes: The sound output is dinky, so you'll want to use it with headphones, which makes it less fun for the whole family, or an external speaker, which makes it bulky. (Or, see the FoxL Bluetooth Speaker, at No. 5 on this list). And the rechargeable battery lasts 1.5 hours. Luckily, it ships with two. Price: $399
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Tofu likes 新玩意. But I like old stuffs. I thought this would be my project after I retire. Someone just beat me to it and craked the secret: