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Please keep this in your file and review it when you see inflation presures.http://jsmineset.com/index.php/2008/12/12/from-money-printing-to-hyperinflation-the-path-otc-derivatives-have-paved/Good luck and take care.
For your reference, my two largest positions for inflation plays are RGLD and SLW. Each is about 25 to 30% of my portfolio. Be careful. Take care.
You'll wet your pants after reading this article: http://www.gold-eagle.com/editorials_08/maloney121908.htmlI think it answered the question of "why gold?". Take care.
Gerald CelenteThe Greatest Depression *AUDIO http://www.howestreet.com/index.php?pl=/goldradio/index.php/mediaplayer/1065Gold - $2000NOW PLAYING: Jim Rogers Sees Dollar 'Devalued,' Likes Commodities http://www.bloomberg.com/avp/avp.htm?N=video&T=Jim%20Rogers%20Sees%20Dollar%20'Devalued%2C'%20Likes%20Commodities%20&clipSRC=mms://media2.bloomberg.com/cache/vJzshG4o708g.asf
My dear friends,Happy New Year...but, you may not be so happy after all..http://www.reuters.com/article/newsOne/idUSTRE5014F120090102U.S. governors seek $1 trillion federal assistancePlease read this site every day:http://www.jsmineset.com/..and act please.
5 則留言:
Please keep this in your file and review it when you see inflation presures.
Good luck and take care.
For your reference, my two largest positions for inflation plays are RGLD and SLW. Each is about 25 to 30% of my portfolio. Be careful. Take care.
You'll wet your pants after reading this article:
I think it answered the question of "why gold?".
Take care.
Gerald Celente
The Greatest Depression *AUDIO
Gold - $2000
NOW PLAYING: Jim Rogers Sees Dollar 'Devalued,' Likes Commodities
My dear friends,
Happy New Year...but, you may not be so happy after all..
U.S. governors seek $1 trillion federal assistance
Please read this site every day:
..and act please.