2007年7月22日 星期日

When we were young

I found these two old photos.
Fran, you still look the same.

10 則留言:

tofu 提到...



另外,有誰認得左後方的那位仁兄是誰? 李建明嗎?

長空飛劍65 提到...

哈哈!I have photos on a boat at the same lake with the same color scheme. Anybody remember the color was like that originally or if it fadded as time goes by?

wandering65 提到...

Thank you Cin, for the confidence you just gave me. But the real thing is no one could beat the age....

Mmm I should have this photo too, gotta 找一找 and 比一比.

Cinderella 提到...

Three guys in the back were Jack, Wong-Fong and Longjoe.

tofu 提到...

喔, 是jack沒錯,謝謝我們班寶.

winstonhohoho 提到...

I have many 4-years in my life, but that four years is most memorable. What a good old days.

Joe 提到...

I don't recall the time and place of the picture taken on the boat.
Did we go out into the lake and did Fran really drove that old boat?

Thanks for digging out these loving old memories! Cinderella.

wandering65 提到...

I was behind the wheel, wasn't I.
hee hee, went jet-boating!!
I didn't even know to drive a car then, have all you bought an insurance?

winstonhohoho 提到...

According to my scientific investigation, I think the boat was docked for picture taken only.

1. the front part of the boat was on ground (sand).
2. the rope was tightened to the boat and no residual wave.
3. the space to the next boat was too close, if boat or wave just move in.
4. If Fran was a driver, how come no scaring faces and some were smiling.

What do you think? ha!

Cinderella 提到...

How about the picture on the right? It was my 1st camping trip with you guys. Anybody remember the location?