2007年7月20日 星期五

S. California mini reunion

Boys and Girls:

On Friday evening, we will have a Southern California mini reunion at Winston Hohoho's office - http://www.maxwellsensors.com/. If possible, please log on to Skype, we will be calling you guys.
Winston's Skype name is msi-winstonho. The time is 7-20-07, 6~7 PM LA time (9-10 AM, 7-21-07 Taiwan time).

Ywang and families came down south to visit LA area. Wen-zen, Winston and I will join them and meet at Winston's office and then go have a feast. Hopefully we will generate some pictures to share with everybody.

2 則留言:

tofu 提到...

嗯, 這聚會的幾個人裡面,就差大文豪--文仁兄,還沒上我們的部落格發表高見.


.說實在的也不知道要怎麼處罰你,唉!"再做不好, 那你就繼續做好了."

長空飛劍65 提到...
