2007年7月6日 星期五

What (Really) Happened in 1995?

If you have a few minutes I would like to ask you to read this article:
What (Really) Happened in 1995?
How the Greenspan Fed Screwed Up in the Mid-90s and set the stage for the Greatest Financial Bubble in the History of the World.
by Aaron Krowne


Finally, this article explained the so called "strong dollar" policy from 1996. ha

More good stuffs at:


Have a nice read.

8 則留言:

Bikerdoc65 提到...

May be you would like to watch this video for gold and gold stock analysis:

The gold and silver mining stocks as a group is making a break out at here. We may see some profit taking next week. Then, it will be the time to buy. From May to August is the weakest months of these precious metals. They bottom out and begin their rally in September into next year. I'll post some links to chart analysis next time.

Bikerdoc65 提到...

Another Great Depression?
The Fed's Role in the Bear Stearns Hedge Funds Meltdown

by Mike Whitney

Global Research, July 1, 2007


I am really scared by the wild reactions of the stock market.

Bikerdoc65 提到...

Please take a look at the chart of US dollar index:


US dollar is at its multi-year low point, which means that the market are running away from the US investment, while the stock market are making new highs.

Is this an alarming signal? May be you don't feel the danger, but I do. Be careful out there.

Bikerdoc65 提到...

Why am I so worried about the sky may be falling? Please read this article:


Bikerdoc65 提到...

Ellen Brown, July 3rd, 2007


Bikerdoc65 提到...


Mortgage resets: Record bill coming due
Tuesday July 10, 9:16 am ET

By Les Christie, CNNMoney.com staff writer

More than two million subprime adjustable rate mortgages (ARMs) are poised to reset at much higher rates in coming months, worsening an already suffering housing market.
Borrowers who took out hybrid ARMs in 2004 and 2005 to secure low "teaser" rates for the first two or three years of the loan may see their monthly mortgage payments climb by 35 percent or more.

Consumer groups and politicians worry that hundreds of thousands of subprime ARM borrowers will be unable to keep up with their mortgage payments and will lose their homes.

"In October alone more than $50 billion in ARMs will reset," according to Mark Zandi, chief economist and co-founder of Moody's Economy.com. That's a record, according to Zandi.

A buyer in 2005 with poor credit and limited means might have signed on for a $200,000 2/28 hybrid ARM, locking in a fixed rate of 4 percent for two years. After paying $955 a month, his bill would now be set to spike to $1,331, a 39 percent increase...more

I expect more CDO scares to come in the next several months.

David 提到...

If unemployment rate increase with it, it will be even worse, watch out for unemployment rate for next few months.

Some people also have predicted that for last decade it had been easy to borrow money, is about to change for next decade. Look for companies with good cash liquidity.

It just an opinion, let's just wait and see.

Bikerdoc65 提到...


Your thinking is on the right track. Americans have been borrowing 70% of the world saving to satisfying their spending addiction. This will end badly. We can see this from the US dollar hit 15 year low this week. In the mean time, gold is making the opposite move.