2007年7月22日 星期日

Look closely, Winston

5 則留言:

winstonhohoho 提到...

My God, that is really me. Same as 30 years ago. Now, where is your picture.

tofu 提到...

哈,明炫兄厲害, 昨天芳蘭登出照片後,我很仔細得看了又看,我們的"美麗班寶出浴圖",但是就是沒有看到我們何博士也深藏其中. 厲害,厲害.

這樣好了,您是否也可以將我和我們班上的同學也一起放進去作伴, 哈.

winstonhohoho 提到...

Wait a moment, Ming, where is my head come from?

長空飛劍65 提到...

Your motorcycle shot!

David 提到...

Ming, nice work!

Our Winstonhoho sure look like a piece of creature! The amount of hair does not match with the muscle on the body!