2007年7月1日 星期日


These pictures were take at Johns Hopkins last month.

8 則留言:

tofu 提到...

ha, ....Her beauty is definitely not from your gene...got be from your wife's.......and maybe also with someone else's help. ha ha ah ah ha. will this beacome a generation feud? bikerdoc, ... i think we're even now. ha


Bikerdoc65 提到...

Damn. Tofu, 狗嘴吐不出象牙。
....Her beauty is definitely not from your gene...

It meant that the gene must be from the wife. It also imply, to the man, that he has a beautiful wife too. I wrote that way was afriad you misunderstood it.

winstonhohoho 提到...

Tofu and Bikerdoc:

The world is just not fair. You both are lucky fellows. We tried, but not daughter. Even worse, you all have beautiful daughters. Maybe chemists, exposed to chemicals, can transform or diminish ugly father's gene and produce pretty daughters. Maybe we should try it again.

tofu 提到...

go for it, winstonho, we'll all root for you for your big move! and if you need any help ?! just don't hesitate to ask us for help,....ha.
ask bikerdoc first, he got two daughters , i only have one. that means he is much better than i in this job. ha

Bikerdoc65 提到...

您豆腐老哥就甭客氣了,您不是剛說我是告別人幫忙的?還您示範吧!不成的話就請 David, 他老兄連中三元都不吭一聲。哈哈

長空飛劍65 提到...

嘿! 諸公,小心點...我們這個年紀而有一,兩歲小孩的也是大有人在... 我認識的就有兩個。
不過像Biker這種有好基因的我倒是要鼓勵增產報國,再來兩個美女 或 壯丁都不嫌多!!!

Bikerdoc65 提到...

Gee...這怎能跟像養thoroughbred horse 一樣。再 多一個我就得宣佈破產了。

David 提到...

Bikerdoc65, the reason we have all girls, I think have something to do witht he polymer we studies. Those guys studied pharma and biochemistry all produce boys.

I think your daughter look just as pretty as like your wife when she was that age.

My 2nd daughter will be one the coming Dec. with business degree, but she is applying Med.school now, so I won't be done for another few years!

Lucky you!