2007年6月9日 星期六

Speaking for her sister

Among women who are 15 to 24 years old, Asian-Americans are the most likely to commit suicide.
This is an article from today's Orange County Register, read it when you have time.

2 則留言:

Bikerdoc65 提到...

There is another problem I observed, which are the oriental boys think oriental girls are not sexy enough as girl friends, and the oriental girls think oriental boys are not strong and handsome enough for boy friends.

Ha..this is hard to expalin to the young kids to be careful and selective when their hormone are running wild.

長空飛劍65 提到...

That's very true, and I think it mostly depends on where you live, here in California lots of Orientals - Korean, Japanese and Vietnamese. I will say my future daughter in law could very well be an Oriental other than Chinese.