2010年6月11日 星期五

Vintage Ads

9 則留言:

長空飛劍65 提到...

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger succeeded in banning sodas from all California schools in 2007.

The reason: childhood obesity

winstonhohoho 提到...

I have a friend, who is working for Taiwan University Health department, forbid her children to drink sodas. She said you can use sodas to clean your toilet, because it has extreme pH value. I do not know how to answer or comments.

ywang 提到...


The pH value of Coke is between 2 to 3. The pH value of our stomach acid (hydrochloric acid) is about 1.


winstonhohoho 提到...

Hi, Yen:

Thank you for the information. So she is half right, we can clean the toilet with sodas, because of the low pH. But drink sodas is fine, because our stomach has even lower pH.

My questions are 1. where our HCl come from? 2. why our stomach is tougher than ceramic toilet and can stand for 100 years without leak or broken?

Bikerdoc65 提到...

The acidity of soda is bad for teeth especially for children. Of course, the excess amount of sugar is not good for health either.

It was funny when we look back that we actually smoked "Long Life" cigarettes in Taiwan. haha

ywang 提到...

Winston, Most vegetables contain small amounts of salt which they absorb from the soil. Sodium chloride is in practically every food. Foods like chips, pretzels, tomato-based sauces, processed meats, canned meats and fish, olives, preserved meat, animal liver, canned vegetables and peanut butter contain the most.

For your second question, I found the answer from:
eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/how-does_5244872_stomach-acid-produced_.html#ixzz0qwMsj8gU

"Since stomach acid is acidic enough to burn through body tissue, the stomach has a host of defense mechanisms in place to protect its tissues from being broken down with the food. With G cells and parietal cells on the mucosa are also epithelial cells. These cells secrete a bicarbonate solution which coats the stomach walls. As acid comes into contact with the bicarbonate, it is neutralized and cannot harm the stomach. Unfortunately, some people do not secrete enough bicarbonate resulting in problems, such as gastric ulcers from acid exposure"


長空飛劍65 提到...

It happens that I enjoy Coke with fries and hamburger, not too often maybe 2~3 times a month. So I'll say a few words here.

It's not a health food, but it's not going to kill you, either.

Most soft drinks weigh in with a pH level between 2.0-4.0, foods with a comparable approximate pH value include most fruits (oranges, cherries, apples, blueberries, etc), wine, chili sauce, and horseradish, to name a few.

winstonhohoho 提到...


Thank you for your answer.

tofu 提到...

看到各位的討論, 實在受益匪淺.

另外 也很同意飛劍兄的看法, 有些食物雖然不是很健康, 看是偶而吃吃也無妨, '均衡的飲食 及適量的運動' 應該是我們這個年紀最佳的生活準則之一.
