June 20, 2010 12:00 AM | 122 觀看次數 | 1 1 評論推薦: | 電郵給朋友 | 打印
南加州玉山科技協會19日舉行第八屆年會,並舉行傑出企業家表揚。左起Applied Biocode CTO何重人(Winston Ho)、國泰銀行執行副董事長暨首席營運長吳平原(Peter Wu)、青年企業家創業家盛建欣(Jack Sheng)。 記者陳盈霖/攝影
南加州玉山科技協會19日舉行第八屆年會,並舉行傑出企業家表揚。左起Applied Biocode CTO何重人(Winston Ho)、國泰銀行執行副董事長暨首席營運長吳平原(Peter Wu)、青年企業家創業家盛建欣(Jack Sheng)。 記者陳盈霖/攝影
南加州玉山科技協會19日舉行第八屆年會,同時表揚傑出企業家,包括青年企業家創業家盛建欣(Jack Sheng)、國泰銀行執行副董事長暨首席營運長吳平原(Peter Wu),Applied Biocode CTO何重人(Winston Ho)均獲表揚。
今年獲頒傑出企業成就(Distinguished Business Achievement)獎的何重人,專精生物科技,他表示,目前利用液態晶片進行基因檢測,一次可進行1000種檢查,用臨床疾病很有幫助。
獲得傑出企業成就與社會服務獎(Distinguished Business Achievement and Community Service)的何平原,多年來服務社區不遺餘力。對於獲獎,他感到相當驚訝,也希望未來能更貢獻一己之力回饋社區。
年僅 34歲的青年創業家盛建欣,同樣獲得傑出企業成就獎。他擔任總裁的eFor City科技公司目前擁有300名員工。
協會遴選獎學金負責人賴明來說,今年從33位申請者,從初選、複選決定最後六名得主,申請者都需看在校成績、課外活動,文章等。獲獎者包括目前就讀柏克萊加大的沈愛真(Stacy Shen)、加州理工學院博士班黃若谷(Ruo-Gu Huang)、就讀聖地牙哥Torrey Pines高中的陳玫君、核桃高中Victoria Sun,還有兩位非華裔學生Michelle Razavi和Kevin Kim。
Read more: 世界新聞網-洛杉磯
6 則留言:
Congratulations Dr. Ho!!!
This is a great honor to be elected. Please do not forget us when you make IPO. LOL
恭喜重人兄, 本班同學真的與有榮焉,...
哈, 不過維治兄說的那句話才是重點中的重點"Please do not forget us when you make IPO." 哈! 哈! 哈!
恭喜! 恭喜! Dr. Winston
液態晶片 + 基因檢測 + 1000種檢查 <--- 這已經完全超出我的想像能力了...
Thanks. The reason I received the award is because I know the organizer. Ha, networking and friends.
Congrat to Winston!! I knew my boss Peter Wu received an award
but didn't know Winston received one too. I was invited to the
event but couldn't made it on that Saturday because of a pre-arranged
schedule. If I were there, I could have proudly told my colleagues
that Winston is one of my friends...
We got another big news from Dr. Ho. Here it is:
Applied BioCode, Maxwell Sensors Use $2.8M NIH Grant to Develop Dx Platform
By a GenomeWeb staff reporter
NEW YORK (GenomeWeb News) – Applied BioCode and Maxwell Sensors said today they have received a $2.8 million, three-year grant for developing a high-throughput multiplex diagnostic testing platform using their technology.
The grant, which came from the Recovery Act Limited Competition: National Institutes of Health, will be used to further Applied BioCode's Barcoded Magnetic Beads technology. The partners said the technology can be used for various immunodiagnostics and molecular diagnostics tests, including tests for infectious diseases, cancer, companion diagnostics, autoimmune disease, genetic screening, and pharmacogenomics.
The markets for the technology generate annual revenues of about $6 billion with each individual testing area expected to grow at double-digit rates, Applied BioCode said in a statement.
The Barcoded Magnetic Beads integrate photolithographic technology used in semiconductors with biotechnology "to form a breakthrough bioassay platform that can significantly improve the throughput and reduce the cost of diagnostic testing," Applied BioCode said. The beads use 128 different barcodes that allow up to 128 separate assays to be completed on one sample simultaneously.
A barcode can be assigned to each probe, allowing analysis of multiple targets in one test tube or one microwell for most clinical diagnostic applications. Multiple analyte tests can be performed in Applied BioCode's BMB Analyzer 96-well microplate format in 40 seconds for each well, according to the company.
Both Applied BioCode and Maxwell Springs are based in Sante Fe Springs, Calif. Applied BioCode develops, manufactures, and markets highly multiplex products to the molecular diagnostics, bioresearch, and biomarker validation sectors. Maxwell Sensors develops next-generation biochips and analytical platforms for healthcare applications.