2010年5月1日 星期六

飛劍兄嘔心瀝血之大作 -- 三字經英文翻譯

這麼好的傑作, 藏在comments裡實在可惜, 作為本部落格的管理員之一, 有義務要將我們同學的傑作發揚光大, 所以未經飛劍兄同意, 本人就自作主張將這偉大的'鉅作'搬到外面來跟大家見面. 這樣飛劍也能夠'名俱揚--his sexual ability will be well-known'....哈

三字經英文翻譯 :

人之初 :At the beginning of life.
性本善 :Sex is good.
性相近 :Basically, all the sex are same.
習相遠 :But it depends on how the way you do it.
茍不教 :If you do not practice all the time.
性乃遷 :Sex will leave you.
教之道 :The way of learning it..
貴以專 :is very important to make love with only one person..
昔孟母 :Once a great mother, Mrs. Meng.
擇鄰處 :chose her neighbor to avoid bad sex influence.
子不學 :If you don’t study hard,.
斷機杼 :Your Dick will become useless..
竇燕山 :Dou, the Famous.
有義方 :owned a very effective exciting medicine.
教五子 :All his five son took it.
名俱揚 :and their sexual ability were well-known..

2 則留言:

長空飛劍65 提到...


tofu 提到...

哈 哈 哈 ....

能譯的這麼好,詼諧又不離本意太遠實在不容易,...哈... 我的意思是也許三字經的作者或作者群 本來就是這個意思.

例如 :

"性本善 :Sex is good."
"子不學 :If you don’t study hard,.斷機杼 :Your Dick will become useless.."

作者在那古老封建的時代, 實在說不出來. 但經過中文轉英文,在轉為中文,出口轉內銷...那麼那些先聖先賢的原始意思就透過飛劍兄的'thin finger' 美妙的呈現出來...haahaahahaaa..

請多多提共如此佳作, 哈.