2008年12月11日 星期四

8 really, really scary predictions

Quote from http://money.cnn.com/galleries/2008/fortune/0812/gallery.market_gurus.fortune/5.html...

hmm... Interesting...

What I've been buying recently is agricultural commodities. I've also been buying more Chinese stocks. And I'm buying stocks in Taiwan for the first time in my life. It looks as if there's finally going to be peace in Taiwan after 60 years, and Taiwanese companies are going to benefit from the long-term growth of China.

4 則留言:

Bikerdoc65 提到...

Thanks for sharing the article. Jim Roger is a long term investor. His investment horizons is usually beyond 5 or even 10 years. The risk of being a long term investor is that one has to understand the market and has the courage to take a beating when the portfolios down 50 even 75%.

The next subject is the video of the recent financial crisis. This video is probably the most imporant reference for a long term investor. Take care.

Posted: Dec 11 2008 By: Jim Sinclair Post Edited: December 11, 2008 at 10:50 pm

Filed under: Jim's Mailbox

Dear Monty and Dan,

I think this is very important. An ex-Fed bigwig sees the solution as revaluing the gold on the books. I have not seen this commented on and thought it would be of interest.

The Gold comment is about 8 minutes into the video.

Click here to view the video…


He says not to worry about the Fed’s balance sheet because they can just revalue their "gold certificates." This comment is at min. 11:20

This is very interesting coming from an ex-Fed big wig. Gold revaluation is beginning to be discussed…

CIGA Andrew S.

Dear Dan and Monty,

This video has good things in it and not only on gold. It should be reviewed by serious students and investors in gold and the US dollar from the moment it starts until the very end.

Think "Federal Reserve Gold Certificate Ratio, Revitalized and Modernized," and not tied to interest rates but rather to a measure of international liquidity. This would require gold be re-valued to market prices.

It seems to me we will draw closer and closer to a US dollar FRGCR backstop being called on as we near the .62 to .52 range on the USDX.

Respectfully yours,

Bikerdoc65 提到...

Part II:


Bikerdoc65 提到...

...for the firs few minutes.. Enjoy!

Bikerdoc65 提到...

Another one from Jim Rogers:


"Rogers said is investing in growth areas in China and Taiwan, in such areas as water treatment and agriculture, and recently bought positions in energy and agriculture indexes."