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1. 飛劍兄, 借過,借過....哈不然盡不去我們的部落格...麻煩之處請多包涵.我看是,美元跌到令美國的總統都感到臉紅...這樣子看, 我們的維治兄最厲害, 過去一年多就一路看空美元...實在厲害. 他也都不吝嗇有什麼重要訊息都跟我們分享...實在是不錯的好同學.維治兄,未來還有什麼看法,也請多多跟我們同學分享.
這張鈔票給我的第一印像是 - 玩具鈔票,那個 "Big 5" 好像是小朋友的東西。每天看新聞,唯獨漏了這一則。沒錯,維治確實有獨到的眼光,佩服!!!
Ha..Ming I thouhgt it was a fake money until I got one from a Chinese take out near my office today.Gold got sold as commodity during the last several days. This is a great time to nibble some. Take care.
4 則留言:
1. 飛劍兄, 借過,借過....哈不然盡不去我們的部落格...麻煩之處請多包涵.
這樣子看, 我們的維治兄最厲害, 過去一年多就一路看空美元...實在厲害. 他也都不吝嗇有什麼重要訊息都跟我們分享...實在是不錯的好同學.
這張鈔票給我的第一印像是 - 玩具鈔票,那個 "Big 5" 好像是小朋友的東西。每天看新聞,唯獨漏了這一則。
Ha..Ming I thouhgt it was a fake money until I got one from a Chinese take out near my office today.
Gold got sold as commodity during the last several days. This is a great time to nibble some. Take care.
Ha..Ming I thouhgt it was a fake money until I got one from a Chinese take out near my office today.
Gold got sold as commodity during the last several days. This is a great time to nibble some. Take care.