2007年2月19日 星期一

Happy New Year from the Snow-Covered Midwest....

Happy New Year to you all!

Wishing you all a prosperous "Golden Pig" year, especially to those of you who are the President and CEO level like Star, FilterDoc, Winston Ho.......making lots more money in the year of pig! :-)

We had more than 15 inches of snow druing last week here in Indiana! No school and work for two straight days which is a record here. To show you I did not make this up, attached are three photos, my foot is in at least a foot of snow (this is taken in my backyard yesterday morning). I think Chicago probably got more than we did. But what we got is nothing comapre to a town in New York that is next to the great lake, it got 11 feet of snow in the past 2-3 weeks all together!

Now you know how lucky you are for those of you live in California, Arizona and Taiwan...... It is time to consider buying a snowblower, my back is killing me after all the snow shoveling this week.

6 則留言:

tofu 提到...

hi, joe, 新年快樂, 好大的雪,好久沒有看過這麼大的雪了.

對於,你對我們同學的祝福,我想應該要稍微修正...對那些已經是大老闆,大CEO,大主管,或已經很有錢,家裡院子裡有游泳池,網球場,或高爾夫球場,早就可以成為'大金豬'級的同學們,只要再賺'一些' lots more money 就可以了,不用再賺到'金神豬級'了.

但像我們這種公司關門已久,又沒有工作,有的已經退休,有的仍在為退休金奮鬥,或是雖然是前面'金豬類',但是要養很多老婆或老公的(如filterdoc,養了3個老婆,一個自己用,兩個幫人家養; 芳蘭雖半退休,但也養了2個小白臉,以後要做別人家的老公,),這些同學,應該祝他(她)們豬年賺到'很多,很多的'lots more money ,使他們也能夠體驗作'金豬'或'金神豬'的感覺.

祝我們同學在石全的祝福下,豬年都能作成'大金豬'!!! 哈 !

長空飛劍65 提到...




長空飛劍65 提到...

Hi, Joe
This must be your lovely house, it's very beautiful and I can imagine it must be very spacious and comfortable inside.
The huge front and back yard fit the house just wonderful, we rarely see this kind of setting in CA, especially for the newer houses.
It's like no more than 10 feet between neighbors.

Bikerdoc65 提到...

Joe, Very nice house indeed.

About golden pig.... I prefer owning gold then being a pig. lol

Happy New Year to every one.

tofu 提到...

ha, i like that, biker65.

winstonhohoho 提到...

HoHoHo, Californian are dreaming white Christmas, it never happen in LA. We pay $5,000 to bring snow from moutain to school playground for kids to enjoy white snow. How lucky you are!