2007年2月11日 星期日


沉魚落雁 的 韓國豆腐煲.....見者有份。

18 則留言:

沈魚落雁 提到...

嘻,長空飛劍正在奉行"老婆上菜時要讚不絕口,多吃幾碗;不得有偏食挑飯之行為"。 只是...下次要記得--"老婆煮飯時要隨侍左右,多服其勞; 不得有藉口偷懶之行為"。這是新加的守則第十九條,記清楚了嗎??

tofu 提到...

哇, 看起來很好吃的樣子,公佈一下做法吧!

winstonhohoho 提到...


沈魚落雁 提到...


Bikerdoc65 提到...

Thanks. Looks like even I can do it.

Can I use 老豆腐?

tofu 提到...

bikerdoc, 我看你可用smelly bean curd .

長空飛劍65 提到...

哈!我看重點可能在那四個砂鍋,以前煮一大鍋時 都沒有這麼道地...

tofu 提到...

又亂講話,你又慘了, 長空飛劍.

守則第?條說 , 東西好吃是老婆會做菜(就是非常難吃也要說很好吃), 你這小子竟然敢說是鍋子問題....啊 ! 你慘了慘了.....哈

Bikerdoc65 提到...

那四個砂鍋 are very authentic Korean style. The Korean tofu restaurant near my place use the same kind of 砂鍋 for each customer. Now, I gto to make it this weekend. Thanks for sharing.

Bikerdoc65 提到...

...but, I think the pots are not the critical factors comparing to the skills of your the other half. You are going to sleep on the sofa in the living room tonight. haha

wandering65 提到...

I have got prepared to cook it tonight, all the stuff ready and some fans (粉絲) as well.
The tofu, made from local Chinese, not sure it is 嫩'Tofu'or 老Tofu, not smelly anyway.
I have no those 可愛的砂鍋, will cook it in one pot.

PS: 沉魚, your 豆腐鍋生意很好喔.

沈魚落雁 提到...

托著疲憊的身心回到家,客戶給我難題沒關係,待我打開65chemistry尋找安慰,至少tofu會講些笑話給我聽吧!...可是..怎麼搞得???竟然有人說"以前煮一大鍋時 都沒有這麼道地"。唉!唉!長空飛劍啊,你真會自取其辱。以前那一大鍋是您大人煮的啊!那麼不道地才讓我不得不下廚示範哪!還是bikerdoc65建議的好--今晚你就睡客廳!為了表場bikerdoc65的見義勇為特此頒發coupon 一張for "one free Korean Tofu Pot entree" when you come visit us at LA. 另,Wandering65也說了實話(豆腐鍋生意很好喔)也給一張。至於tofu嘛...是你把長空教壞的嗎?

tofu 提到...

長空飛劍,你看! 我就說你慘了,沒錯吧.

連我都被你拖累,沒有coupon, 也沒有嘉獎. 真是倒霉...真是 "近'豬'者次"...接近'豬'的人就會變成'次等'公民,接受歧視待遇. 真是 'ㄍ安四聲' ....!@$^$@$%!@.

長空飛劍65 提到...

安啦!你來的話我煮 紅燒牛肉麵 給你吃,保證你紅光滿面,頭皮冒汗,不輸 韓國豆腐鍋。

小女子 提到...



Bikerdoc65 提到...

I made 韓國豆腐煲 with 老豆腐 for dinner tonight. It was so easy to make and the taste was delicious. I still have 1/2 pot left for tomorrow. Thank you 沉魚落雁.

Bikerdoc65 提到...

長空飛劍, I bought 韓國豆腐煲 last night and used it to cook another pot of 豆腐. It tasted very good. I think your perception of better tasting with this kind of pot probably had some merit. But, I can't quantify it like an analytical chemist. You are the expert of it. The ball is still in your court. ha

I think the advantage of using this kind of pot is probably due to its ability to hold the temperature of the food longer then those made with metal.

長空飛劍65 提到...

Nobody question if it taste good, because it looks good already.

And nobody knows that I took about 20 pictures and picked the best 2 of them to post; if I just upload the first 2 photos I shot... probably it won't get this many attention.

There were actually 2 shrimps underneath there, it will look even more tastier if I dug it up before took the pictures.

It's really very delicious - true story, I guess I am lucky.