2012年9月23日 星期日

自動下載Chemistry65的文章 - RSS Feed

如果你用Microsoft Outlook看你的email的話,可以設定RSS Feed,

1 - 進入 outlook 的 account settings.
2 - 滑鼠按一下 RSS Feeds
3 - 按 New
4 - copy and paste the following line to the blank on New RSS Feed, and click add.

(This is for Full site feed)

5 - 再按一次 New, then copy and paste the following line to the blank on New RSS Feed, and click add.

(This is for Comments-only feed)

6 - close account settings, that's all.

Google Help:

2 則留言:

Bikerdoc65 提到...

Thank you Ming. It is a very helpful tip. I use it.

tofu 提到...

棒, 謝謝你飛劍兄. 明天我試試今天太晚了.