2011年3月8日 星期二


Winston called me on Sunday. We talked about the possible week for our re-union. It is harder to book ticket to Taiwan in December. So, we agreed that we should pick one week in November. The last re-union was held in the last week of November. Am I right? The last week of November this year is the Thanksgiving week. It might be hard to get ticket. Let's start to discuss when is the best time for everyone.


7 則留言:

長空飛劍65 提到...

Either the week of 中興校慶 (11-1)or the week of Thanksgiving Day (11-26).
I believe the reunion will be held on the weekend.

winstonhohoho 提到...

so it will be Nov. 5 or 26 ? both days are good for me now.

tofu 提到...

有關同學會的日期, 看是要在假日或是在校慶? 及活動方式? 請在美國的同學討論好,在請明炫兄通知我或陳志鴻.

台灣同學陳志鴻, 劉文慶, 楊福山,黃耀星(尚未通知), 杜福新,負責聯絡及協辦.

wandering65 提到...

I vote end of Nov. or Dec., of course 少數服從多數囉.

Hi Cinderella, you coming?

ywang 提到...

How is Nov. 19 to everyone? We then can spend time at home on Thanksgiving. The first weekend on Nov. is fine for me as well.

winstonhohoho 提到...

Oop, Nov 19, I need to attend tradeshow at Florida.

Cinderella 提到...

Yes, I would like to go this time.

Nov.5, 12 or 19 are fine with me. Thanksgiving is not so good for me, because my son would come home. Can we find a time in Oct. or Sept?