2011年3月18日 星期五

Federal Reserve Bank Con Exposed


Jim’s Mailbox
Posted: Mar 17 2011 By: Jim Sinclair Post Edited: March 17, 2011 at 7:37 pm

Filed under: Jim's Mailbox

Jim Sinclair’s Commentary

Courtesy of CIGA Yahn.


This report took a lot guts for both MSNBC and for the reporter that presented the story. But the key point for me sending this out is the mainstream media is actually starting to blow the whistle, which I am very happy to see. However, enlightened ones beware, it is my opinion that the demolition of the Federal Reserve and Central Banking as we know it is part of the Banker’s plan to centralize things even further when the chaos really hits. If we are enlightened to these things we won’t be fooled as easy.

The first link is directly off of MSNBC’s webpage and the story is 12-minutes and 45-seconds long. The second video is a YouTube video that carries the story, but is only 7-minutes long. Nevertheless, rip this video if you can, and have a copy of it for yourself, just in case it may need to be reposted, because, well, you know how things like this can accidentally disappear.



1 則留言:

Bikerdoc65 提到...

Warning! This is X-rated. ha


Here's another sneak peek ahead of the launch of Yahoo! Finance's new daily trading and investing show, "Breakout," which launches next week.

Internationally renowned investor Jim Rogers told "Breakout" hosts Matt Nesto and Jeff Macke that he's considering buying the U.S. dollar now, but with a catch.

"We're at a moment of truth for the dollar," he says.

Rogers, who is currently long the yen, notes that the dollar has been declining despite events that would normally trigger a global flight to safety.

He says that if the dollar holds here it could rally as much as 20%, but "if it goes down 3% or 4% from here, I would have to sell and get out and hope I'm still solvent."

Rogers sees a decline in the dollar to historic "multi-multi decade new lows" as a long-term inevitability, but says the time frame for a collapse in the greenback may be sooner than previously thought.

"Somewhere along the line we're going to have a tipping point for the dollar, then it's all over," he offered. "I thought it would happen in a few years; maybe it's going to happen in a few weeks."