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I thought Tofu graduated together with us?
I didn't find myself until I searched these pictures three times..and couldn't believe that skinny guy was actually me. LOL
哈. 實在想不起來,那時候為什麼還沒有照畢業照?哈.哈. 我目前就沒有"老年維智"的煩惱....找不到自己... 真是有遠見...可以看到35年後...哈哈哈.
Hi, Tofu You are still 20 something, not yet graduate from university, forever young, good on you!
4 則留言:
I thought Tofu graduated together with us?
I didn't find myself until I searched these pictures three times..and couldn't believe that skinny guy was actually me. LOL
哈. 實在想不起來,那時候為什麼還沒有照畢業照?
哈.哈. 我目前就沒有"老年維智"的煩惱....找不到自己...
Hi, Tofu You are still 20 something, not yet graduate from university, forever young, good on you!