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2010年6月28日 星期一
Good Morning: I am alive
Steve Job's comment: "Death is the best invention of life!" What a shocking statement! It is sad, in less than 45 years, I will be gone forever. To be exact, before year 2055. Every morning, I get up - I am alive. Great! So what should I do? Work hard day and night? Travel around the world to see the places I am dreaming to see? Exceercise, swimming, pushup, jogging, ---, so I can live 10 years longer and healthier. I try to find the every little joy in life. But sometime I feel I am like ant, so small so helpless. Do you think we work too hard, and do not know how to enjoy life? Do we take our life too serious? Why Chinese kids go to after school, and Mexican kids go to soccer and baseball, because Chinese like math? I envy those people, put on the backpack and travel around the world. What stopping me to do that? Life is still very confusing to me! Sorry, I do not know what I am talking about.
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3 則留言:
Mr. Ho, 您剛剛得了一個大獎,又等著IPO, 幹嘛在這裡無病呻吟??
I think he just found out that he has midlife crisis, which is 10 years too late. Well...Dr. Ho still has very good health and loaded with money. Why not.....
Good, Ming think I am 無病. Wei-chi think I am still young.