2009年10月11日 星期日


剛剛到重人兄在9/13日所登的文中的'comments'裡看到一位叫'david'的稀客. 一時想不起是哪的'david'...陳文德(d),盧道隆... 看到他的照片才知道廬山真面目.

道隆兄,看起來還保持的很好. 頭髮都還在,看起來神采奕奕,還可以玩年輕人的玩意. 真是佩服. 有空以上來post些近照或家人照片跟大家分享分享。


7 則留言:

winstonhohoho 提到...

I think that is a (very) old photo. The reasons are 1. no white hair, and 2. no snow in Texas. He has moved to south long long ago.

David 提到...

Dear WinstonHoHo and all:

I am back in 3M/St. Paul center since end of the last year. This picture was taken on Jan. 09. Since it is so much snow, son reatively, my white haire was berried under snow.

Stop by, if you get a cahnce.

winstonhohoho 提到...

Dear David:

I was thinking to stop by the "green" Austin to see you, now you move back to the "white" St. paul.

On your way to Taiwan, Please stop by LA for a day or two. Or at least we can see you at Airport.

David 提到...

Winston HoHo:

I will be in Taiwan Oct.29 and be back on Nov.1.

Short trip, but need to be back St. Paul.

ywang 提到...


Are you still in R&T?


David 提到...


What is R&T? You mean R&D? I am still in 3M doing New Product Development both lab and business area.

ywang 提到...

Hi David,

T stands for technology.
