2008年12月29日 星期一


吃了長空煮的甜米糕, 忽然好想吃鹹的....
鄉愁在口裡咀嚼, 胃裡發酵.....這一波的相思暫時得到了安慰...

2008年12月27日 星期六



好神奇喔 '無意識'主導 失明者也有「盲視」

2008-12-24 中國時報 【閻紀宇/綜合外電報導】
 「TN先生」是一位中年男性醫師,兩度中風之後不幸完全失明,平日出門要倚賴手杖與妻子的臂膀。但是那天他來到荷蘭提堡大學(Tilburg University)接受一項實驗:他必須不帶手杖、孤身一人,走過一道布滿各種障礙物的長廊。

 結果TN先生履險如夷,輕巧繞過障礙物,走到長廊盡頭,轉身再走一趟。在場研究人員先是瞠目結舌,接著掌聲如雷。研究領導人蒂葛爾德博士指出,神經科學家早就知道某些盲人具有所謂的「盲視」(blind sight)能力,但TN先生的案例是至今最驚人的實證。相關論文刊載於最新一期的《當代生物學》(Current Biology)雙周刊。

 我們的眼睛接收的視覺訊息經由神經傳送到大腦之後,主要由枕葉的視覺皮質區(visual cortex),其中尤以紋狀皮質(striate cortex,亦稱初級視覺皮質)的地位最為重要。TN先生的眼睛與視神經其實依然完好,但紋狀皮質在中風過程中嚴重受損,導致完全失明。那麼他為何還能「看到」事物?




2008年12月16日 星期二

時代雜誌 2008 最佳10大新玩意

top ten everything of 2008-- time
電影007 james bond 手上的新玩意.

1. Optoma Pico PK-101 台灣興櫃 奧圖碼公司製造
Of all the gadgets on this list, this is the one that James Bond is most likely to carry. That is, it's the coolest gadget of the year. It's a pocket projector — meaning you plug the 4.1-inch gizmo into your iPod or iPhone, and it projects your movies on a wall, or even on the seat back in front of you on the plane. It displays images crisply on a surface as close as 8 inches away and as distant as 8 feet away, even in daylight. The super-bright Pico weighs 4 ounces and is smaller than many cell phones. Two cautionary notes: The sound output is dinky, so you'll want to use it with headphones, which makes it less fun for the whole family, or an external speaker, which makes it bulky. (Or, see the FoxL Bluetooth Speaker, at No. 5 on this list). And the rechargeable battery lasts 1.5 hours. Luckily, it ships with two. Price: $399

2008年12月15日 星期一

A Dragon named Inflation

The print press is smoking!!

2008年12月12日 星期五

Crude Oil Prices 1947 - May, 2008


2008年12月11日 星期四

8 really, really scary predictions

Quote from http://money.cnn.com/galleries/2008/fortune/0812/gallery.market_gurus.fortune/5.html...

hmm... Interesting...

What I've been buying recently is agricultural commodities. I've also been buying more Chinese stocks. And I'm buying stocks in Taiwan for the first time in my life. It looks as if there's finally going to be peace in Taiwan after 60 years, and Taiwanese companies are going to benefit from the long-term growth of China.

2008年12月10日 星期三


(Legoland, San Diego, three years ago)


上月到Beijing, 用手機照了些相片.
鸟巢,水立方内部, 裡面不大,外面比较unique. Beijing zoo has 8 pandas.

2008年12月7日 星期日