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謝謝維治兄 不但提供我們很多財經的資訊, 哈 , 今天又學到了一個字 quadrillion = 1,000 trillion.thanks again.
Tofu,You are very welcome.I still remember hearing this not too long ago:" A billion here, a billion there, and pretty soon you're talking real money"Now, we are replacing the word billion with trillion. HmmmmDid I just come back from outter space? LOL
跟biker學經濟,跟大陸學化學。三聚氰胺(Melamine)(化學式:C3H6N6),俗稱密胺、蛋白精,IUPAC命名為「1,3,5-三嗪-2,4,6-三氨基」食品工業中常常需要測定食品的蛋白質含量,由於直接測量蛋白質技術上比較複雜,所以常用一種叫做凱氏定氮法[5] 的方法,通過測定氮原子的含量來間接推算食品中蛋白質的含量。由於三聚氰胺(含氮量66%)與蛋白質(平均含氮量16%)相比含有更高比例的氮原子,所以被一些造假者利用,添加在食品中以造成食品蛋白質含量較高的假象,從而造成諸如2007年美國寵物食品污染事件和2008年中國毒奶粉事件等嚴重的食物安全事故。
Ming it is a hot topic, it should be in blod site. I almost miss it.
Ming, your melamine information is comprehensive and useful, thanks
No place to hide!Financial Crisis: So much for tirades against American greed Ambrose Evans-Pritchard says it is ironic that European banks have turned out to be deeper in debt than their US counterparts. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/comment/ambroseevans_pritchard/3118994/Financial-Crisis-So-much-for-tirades-against-American-greed.htm
6 則留言:
不但提供我們很多財經的資訊, 哈 , 今天又學到了一個字 quadrillion = 1,000 trillion.
thanks again.
You are very welcome.
I still remember hearing this not too long ago:
" A billion here, a billion there, and pretty soon you're talking real money"
Now, we are replacing the word billion with trillion. Hmmmm
Did I just come back from outter space? LOL
食品工業中常常需要測定食品的蛋白質含量,由於直接測量蛋白質技術上比較複雜,所以常用一種叫做凱氏定氮法[5] 的方法,
Ming it is a hot topic, it should be in blod site. I almost miss it.
Ming, your melamine information is comprehensive and useful, thanks
No place to hide!
Financial Crisis: So much for tirades against American greed
Ambrose Evans-Pritchard says it is ironic that European banks have turned out to be deeper in debt than their US counterparts.