2008年1月4日 星期五


新年一早二點年半起床,送小孩去花車遊行的準備, 兒子 boy scout 幫拿牌子遊行,八點起來看電視,看了六小時(重播三次)還是沒看到兒子的晝面,下午去看遊行後的花車展示,在華航的祥獅前照了相,希望大家鼠年如意

3 則留言:

沈魚落雁 提到...


I'm glad that you still have a little one to keep you young. I never wanted to go for the float displayed in the park after my two sons entered high school.
No passion to spend time looking for parking, wait on line to buy tickets and walk hours to see every details of float design.
For the past few years, 長空 and I always spent our new year morning on bed to watch Rose parade on TV.
Recently, I started thinking about my retirement plan. And you...go snowboarding! What a difference...
Last year, I asked both of my sons to let me go see their snowboarding. They suggested me to stay home
so they didn't need to take care of me and lost their faces among their friends.
Yet I still look forward to seeing both of them become more independent and mature to accomplish their goals of life.
Hey, what are your new year resolutions?

winstonhohoho 提到...

Ha, Ha, Ha, the reason I put this post is I want to be the "first blog post" in 2008. I do not have new year resolution. My life is always the same, just keep going. But I do hope to sleep well, as Star said 睡得著. Recently,老是睡不好,好像一直在想事情, 想整晚‧我也不知道有沒睡著

Bikerdoc65 提到...
