2007年10月29日 星期一

Not from me


If any one recently received a weird mail sending from my e-mail address, with title: 珍藏...
That was not from me. My mail box was hacked, DAMN IT!

5 則留言:

長空飛劍65 提到...

Don't worry, it's just a virus, worm or a trojan horse hidding somewhere in your PC.

Clean it up by following this link.

How to remove virus & spyware

長空飛劍65 提到...

Hmm...I didn't receive your email (珍藏...), is it interesting? can you forward it to me? :)

wandering65 提到...

Yes, extremely interesting...
Ask the hacker to send you one copy of that!

PS: thank you, the link to clean PC.

winstonhohoho 提到...

Fran: I did received it, it looked weird. so I deleted it immediately.

wandering65 提到...

You are wise, Hoo. It is not worthy of reading, and I have the suspicion your mail box could be intruded if you opened the file.

I guess that is the way some lowlifes using it to get into other's address book and spread virus.