2007年9月15日 星期六

Talk Sex, Anyone?


前幾個星期日晚上11pm 臨睡前無意中轉台時看到這個老祖母主持 "談性" 的Call-in節目。
Sue Johanson is Canada's foremost sexual educator and counsellor, recipient of the distinguished Order of Canada.
想到我們成長過程,無形中不知被灌輸了多少錯誤的觀念..... 不妨到這節目的網站去修些學分吧!

8 則留言:

沈魚落雁 提到...

長空, 請問一下...嗯..我有那些觀念是錯誤的嗎?
原來,星期天晚上你遲遲不肯上床是在看 "性" 節日啊!!! 看看可以,請不要要求實習.

wandering65 提到...

Kind of curious, what wrong concepts you have been 灌輸? Could you share some, frankly.

長空飛劍65 提到...

What is interesting is the general acceptance that masturbation is normal, natural and healthy, and that both males AND females can do it very well…..

Most teenage males will masturbate about once a day, some much more than others. There is no "normal" - it varies with surrounding stimulation, stress of exams, boredom, amount of sex with a partner, and individual sex drive and desire plus the opportunity. Guys worry, "How much is too much?" Don't worry. You will not hurt yourself, you are not a pervert. Your body will dictate and eventually your brain will be willing but the body weak.

如果太太每晚都要,而先生只有周末才要-怎麼解決? 答:請幫她買sex toy讓她自己解決,互不吃虧。哈哈哈!!!

Bikerdoc65 提到...


Dirty old man?

"Evolutionary psychologists argue that older men have more resources to protect and care for the family, while younger, more fertile women give their male partners better means of passing along genes."

wandering65 提到...

Ming, as I know many of these concepts (or knowledge) are taught since Junior high (國中) in Taiwan.

Bikerdoc65 提到...

Have you watched this program Fran?? -G-

長空飛劍65 提到...

Gee!! I have all kind of education except "formal sex education".
還記得國中上到這精彩章節時,老師卻說 "你們回家自己看..."
有一次我們家洗衣婦跟我媽告密說我有"w_t d_e_m"結果給我開的中藥吃起來像紅磚磨成的粉,不過後來我媽倒是有告訴我那是正常現象。

tofu 提到...

古語說: "作人"嗎, 要少說話, "多作事".

飛劍兄,你看,不聽老人言,話可能說多了, '該辦的事'可能沒辦好,....難怪我們大嫂要生氣.

不過你老兄說的年輕時的故事,好像是每個少年郎都會有的經驗, 哈 ,不過我到沒有喝過什麼紅磚粉的藥....看看我們何博士,bikerdoc, 文仁兄,或其他的同學有沒有喝過.