2007年9月20日 星期四

Rich Dad, Poor Dad:

What the rich teach their kids about money - That the poor and middle class do not!


Very good book to read and think about for a very long time.

17 則留言:

Bikerdoc65 提到...

This book teaches ordinary people how to deal with their personal finance.

Those super rich teach their children how to "Capitalize profits and socialize losses".

Bikerdoc65 提到...


wandering65 提到...

I guess different people have different conception about profit, loss and value.

Bikerdoc65 提到...

Basically, it is true.

One has the right to be poor forever too.

Bikerdoc65 提到...

Rich people with high values are very common. Nothing wrong to be rich. It is human nature to wish their chidren having better lives.

The main focus of this book is to teach people a right way to handle money. This is the class we were never learned in school. Handling personal finance is such a critical factor in our lives and we have to learn it from our mistakes. The bottom line is that our parents they were not taught either.

wandering65 提到...

You are right-- nothing wrong to be rich, and learn something from our mistakes and others' experiences.

And I believe the author has capitalized heaps from his readers (I'm not criticizing, nothing wrong to be popular), since I saw this book on the best seller shelf of many book stores in Taipei for a long while.

Bikerdoc65 提到...


沈魚落雁 提到...

I think one's personality is an important factor in being rich or not.
I read this book few years ago and was trying to have my two sons to read it but failed.
Maybe they were too young to think about wealth.
Because they didn't grow up in a wealthy family, they were not used to have financial concepts in mind.
All education they had was study hard to enter a good college. And do not worry about money...
Another key factor is whether you want to give yourself a chance to make changes.
That's the reason why the rich get richier while the poor get poorer.

Bikerdoc65 提到...

I haven't read the book yet, but I read some of the pages from the web. What he realy said is that most of the parents don't know how to guide their children to make creative thinking. Young children are extremely easy to mold into the type of person we want them to be. If we offer them worry free life style they won't think much about difficult lives. Many American children work during off school hours and summer and winter times. They grow up and mature much faster those have comfortable lives. It is because they were put to the environment to feel and to think of real lives around them while they are still very young. When they spend their hard-earned money they are forced to think twice before spending it.

When children have idea of making money what we should do is to help them to think and guide them to investigate. These kind of exercise are the best ways to induce and encourage their curiosities and independent thinking.

We were told to study hard at school and ignore other trivial things, so we told our children the same. The world has changed and changes so fast we have hard time to catch up. We have to let our children to explore all kinds of options besides schooling. Our hope is the next generation. Well..I think we still can find the second chance. It is never too late.

沈魚落雁 提到...

One important concept I've learned from this book is you need to know what and how the rich think if you want to get rich.
If you want to be successful, you need to be around with those successful people and learn from them.
If you don't change, you cannot teach your children to change either since your behavior shows them what you think.

Bikerdoc65 提到...

Exactly. Even if we don't know much about how to becoming rich, or don't have many rich friends, it doesn't stop us from learning and changing the way we see and handling things. How to do that? I have been reading business and investment related magzines, and talking to many seasoned investors frequently. That was not enough, I even got into a small business myself. I even writes a weekly investment journal for my children, relatives and friends. I am transofrming myself from a book worm into a businessman. I don't know if I will ever becoming rich, but this is the one step I took and hope my children can learn a few things from what I did. I only show and tell them what I am trying to achieve. They have to learn the real skills by themselves. It is their lives any way. At least they have the options to learn or not to learn.

The bootm line is that not every rich person had rich dad or mom. It is how they find a way to change their own lives.

I belive every person has at least several opportunities becoming super rich in his/her life time. It is just the matter if he/she has the vision and skills to grab those golden opportunities. How to obtain those visions and skills? There is no short cut except to practice it and refine the skills by exposing ourselves to the real challenges. Of course, these is risk to go bankrupt. Ha..no one says becoming rich is easy.

Bikerdoc65 提到...

We have many successful and rich classmates reading this blog. May be they can tell us their stories about their routes of transformation from a chemist.

沈魚落雁 提到...

Totally agree with what Bikerdoc trying to transform...People met their various fates though.
I think one's personality controls his/her own fate, which was majorly decided when one was born.

Bikerdoc65 提到...

Don't give up. Determination can change fate.

Bikerdoc65 提到...

How to Get Rich in America


Bikerdoc65 提到...

The bottom line is:

Do you have what it takes to get rich? If not, what should you do?

Take a quick test.


Bikerdoc65 提到...

Here are a few points to share:

1. Opportunity is forever knocking but most people forget to open the door in time and when they do open it they are usually waving good bye instead of saying hello.

2. You don't need to be rich to make money but you do need to have the mindset of the rich to do so. What do we mean by this? Usually wealthy individuals are not desperate to make money; the reason being that they already have enough to live well on and so anything extra is a bonus. The key factor though is that they are relaxed and not in a rush; that's what needs to be learned by most novice traders. Do not rush, do not push for results, find an opportunity and let opportunity do the work for you while you read a few good books and take time to study yourself.