2007年9月30日 星期日

有意思的....英文 腦筋急轉彎

哈, 不可以到google 或其他網站去找答案.

.答對的,字體將改為'粗體綠色' 答案為紅色.

1.What is smaller than an insect's mouth ?
answer : insect food.
2.From what number can one take half and leave nothing ?
answer : 8

3.What season is the most dangerous one ?
answer : fall. 跌倒有時會致命.

4.Can you name days of this week without saying:Monday,Tuesday, Wednesday,Thursday,and Firday?
answer : weekdays

5.What is black when it is clean and white when it is dirty?
answer : blackboard

6.What has teeth but can't eat?
answer : comb, Rake , and what else?

7.Four girls have a basket with four apples in it. How can you divide the apples so that each girl gets a whole apple and one still remains in the basket ?
answer : one girl got an apple with the basket.
何博士的答案也對,  哈, 但太殘忍,也太浪費了.要殺了他,不會帶回家作佣人,或做小的.

8.What did zero say to eight?
sorry, ming-shen,您的答案也對, wearing a belt make you look slender....
這一題跟第九題可以有很多創意的說法, 大家可以在想想看.
bikerdoc : Nice belt. close, ...but i think there are some better ones.

9.What did number 1 say to 7?
bikerdoc : You have a long nose.... biker, please tell me whose nose is on top of his head.

10.What man can not live inside a house?
落雁嫂 : doorman... a doorman has the right to live inside the house, right.

11.What part of London is in Brazil?

12.Why is a river rich?
answer : cause a river has two banks

13.A man jump form a plane , but there was noting wrong with him .
Do you know why?
飛劍兄, ha, close but not good enough, 您的答案太危險, 應還有更好的答案.
answer : he's a skydiver..... and what else?

14.Why did Jhone say he didn't know where the sun was?
biker : He lives at the opposite side of the moon.....biker, tell me who lives at the opposite side of the moon?..ha
落雁嫂 : it was cloudy and raining.....and what else?

15.Where dose a person stay for the longest time in his life ?
answer : in bed

16.Why dose Tom's mother go to work by plan every day?
answer : she is a flight attendant.

17.If it takes three and a half minutes to boil one egg , how long dose it
take to boil four eggs?
answer : 3 1/2 minutes , techincally right. maybe a few seconds more, ha.

18. If three birds are sitting on a fence and you shoot and kill one of them ,how many will be left?
answer : one dead bird

19.What can you hold in your left hand, but not in your right hand?
answer : your right hand.

20. What question can never get answer "yes"?
ming shen, my answer is yes either in my dream or in your dream. ha.
bikerdoc : What is the opposite of yes? ....yes? what? 我聽無啦...哈
落燕嫂 : Are you stupid?.....yes, mam, i'm as stupid as your hubbie. ha

15 則留言:

winstonhohoho 提到...

I like the cartoon. It is very funny.


1. chemical molecule
2. 00
3. summer
4.���� ---
5. Blackboard
6. ���
7. Kill one girl?

wandering65 提到...

Answers for 1 to 7--

1. insert
2. 8
3. fall
4. weekend
5. blackboard
7. leave the last apple in the basket to go with a girl.

Will think of the rest later... to twist my head, ha..

長空飛劍65 提到...

1. nothing is smaller than an insect's mouth.
2. 8
3. winter, you can't go out except stay home and make lots of babies.
4. yes.
5. black sweater before you sprinkle flours on it.
6. old man with only one tooth.
7. just tell the girls that apples are forbidden fruit.
8. does wearing a belt make you look slender.
9. I am no. 1.
10. hangman

長空飛劍65 提到...

11. British embassy
12. river has two banks.
13. the plan is on fire and already landed.
14. I don't know either.
15. in bed
16. she is a flight attendant
17. depends on what you prefer, soft or hard eggs.
18. one.
19. forks, when you are eating steaks the right way.
20. Will tofu give me a million dollars?

長空飛劍65 提到...

come on you guys, only 7 answers?

Bikerdoc65 提到...

I see you guys had many good answers. I have a few new ones:

1. insect food.
4. weekdays
6. comb
19. your right hand.
20. What is the opposite of yes?

Bikerdoc65 提到...

8. Nice belt.
9. You lied.

沈魚落雁 提到...

17. 3 1/2 minutes
19. your right hand
20. Are you stupid?

Bikerdoc65 提到...

10. The house is under water
14. He lives at the opposite side of the moon.

沈魚落雁 提到...

4. tommorow
6. a teether
10. doorman
13. he's a skydiver.

沈魚落雁 提到...

1. another smaller insect
14. it was cloudy and raining.

沈魚落雁 提到...

8. eight is the double of zero.
9. you're seven times bigger than me. ( 1 x 7 = 7)

wandering65 提到...

Tofu: the belt (8) is Ming's idea; seems reasonable, I would like to wear one to have that shape.

Ming: I thought making babies is productive not dangerous, 增產報國.

9. are you too tall; don't look down at me; be straight.
14: Jhone is a batman, a nocturnal, hee hee.

Bikerdoc65 提到...

6. Rake.

Bikerdoc65 提到...

9. You have a long nose.