2007年4月11日 星期三

My Intel

我賴以養老的Intel這兩天開始起飛,上個月在接近最低點買的,豆腐兄,Now What?? 是否入袋為安?? 還是 乘勝追擊??

7 則留言:

tofu 提到...

我看應該可以抱著,等他的santa rosa出來看營收成長強不強再說, 短線21.5元到22.5元有短壓力,但應無妨. 若santa rosa 賣的好,突破壓力後面就更甜了.

看來飛劍兄,對股票也有一套,買點選的很漂亮,你附圖下面的技術指標應是kd指標 (slow stochastic), 你買的位置剛好是,指標由低檔往上交叉時的好買點.


我十幾年前, 為我們報社選用技術指標時,參考了 robert colby and thomas meyers 兩人合出的 'the encyclopedia of technical market indicators',從裡面數百種指標中選出幾種很棒的指標,如 slow stochatic (kd 指標),moving averages (移動平均線指標), 及 moving average convergence-divergence trading method (macd 指標),其中經過這麼多年的發展 kd 指標及moving averages (簡稱 ma) 是準確度最高的.

ma 決定趨勢的方向,可以看出這市場或這股票是bull 或 bear market.

kd 則可決定買點與賣點,日kd向上交叉,是短波買點;週kd,向上交叉,中波買點;月kd交叉,是長線買點.

目前intc (intel)的日,週,月kd都已經向上交叉.飛劍兄,您就抱吧.


Bikerdoc65 提到...

I agree with Tofu's short term target at ~22. We can see it on a 3-year down trendline.

The 4+ year triangle doesn't give any direction. We shall wait and see as Tofu suggested.

長空飛劍65 提到...


Poll: 60% see recession ahead
Most say a recession in the next year is somewhat or very likely; more than a third view their own finances as 'shaky,' newspaper reports.
April 11 2007: 8:01 AM EDT.....

Bikerdoc65 提到...

Watch the actions of US Dollar: http://quotes.ino.com/chart/?s=NYBOT_DX&v=w

and the price of gold and silver at:


Have fun...

Bikerdoc65 提到...

Intel looks really good at here. You made a very ncie call. Once it break out the resistance at 25.50 it will move a lot higher. I'll join you shortly. Thanks.

長空飛劍65 提到...

Biker, you mean 22.5, right? there is a big difference here.

Bikerdoc65 提到...

It is 22.5. You are right. ha