2007年4月26日 星期四

Many too easily became victims

Wednesday, April 25, 2007
The Orange Grove: Many too easily became victims
Being raised in safety can ill-equip young people to react to danger
A college student who lives and works in Newport Beach

..........I began to wonder how a single person with only two pistols could kill and wound several dozen people..........

11 則留言:

wandering65 提到...

生於憂患, 死於安樂?

and can't deny there are other issues existing in the USA, or perhaps everywhere in the world.

winstonhohoho 提到...

We need to prepare and practice our own safety, but not with firearm. Should we carry gun to school? That will be ridiculous. Mental breakdown can occur anytime and anywhere. As a society, we need to pay more attention to them. I am still pro-gun control.

長空飛劍65 提到...

What if we need to go through metal detectors everytime we enter public area, such as school, mall, train, bus....,
that will be a nightmare for all of us too. Crazy people will always have their way to get firearms if they want to.
We are loosing our dignities already, one needs to take off shoes and belt in the airport security area.

BTW, I have a baseball bat hiding at my bed side, so don't try to come in during the night, hehe...
After the V.Tech shooting, I am thinking maybe I need to upgrade it to something more powerful, hmm... a gun?

wandering65 提到...

How about a machine gun, even more powerful, and two rockets, one door each (front and back).
Now, your home is secured, ha..

Bikerdoc65 提到...

Agree with you Wondering. We can't send our children to schools without having them fully armed with automatic weapons. Also, they have to wear Kevlar bulletproof vests and steel helmets for their protection. Safe enough? ha

長空飛劍65 提到...

NOT enough, Biker, you missed one important gear - c o n d o m (HIV kills as well), OK! now they are all 100% protected.

tofu 提到...
tofu 提到...
tofu 提到...

you crazy nuts! you guys don't need to hide a bat at your bedside , or to carry guns to the school, or even to guard your house with rpg ,all you need to do is to see your shrinks asap and follow instrucions to take your medicine on time.

and don't forget to take double dose, bikerdoc, your symdrome is more serious than others'..."fully arm your children with automatic weapons" ....gee, you're totally insane now.

and for 短空不飛劍,my kind advice is to hide yourself underneath a bed, that'll be more useful than to hide a bat beside you. right? try it, you'll love it,...but don't hide underneath someone else's bed. that'll be a totally different story. if this case happened, then, you'd better be equipped with automatic guns, ha.

if this doesn't help, then try to find an insane asylum where is well guarded.

and if all these methods don't work, then the last resort--to move back to taiwan, we don't have virginia tech here, ha.

hope to see you guys move back here soon. ha.

長空飛劍65 提到...

What is rpg?

Seriously, tofu, 我們班寶第一句話就說『生於憂患, 死於安樂?』,你還在醉生夢死,沒聽說過“有備無患”嗎?

台灣雖然不賣槍,可是聽說有改造的土槍,那天不巧被打到杜皮...雖不死 我想也不好過。

tofu 提到...

1. 您老教訓的是, 我們的兩位班寶及各位嫂夫人都是有智慧的女士. 我們這些笨豬能跟她們作同學或娶得到,真是上輩子積了不少陰德.

2. rpg : rocket propelled grenade 是專門打坦克車的,夠猛了吧! 台灣應該是叫作'火箭砲'吧. 我們同學有沒有當砲兵的,應該知道中文叫什麼?

3. 若哪天我豆腐,白白嫩嫩的肚皮,真的像你說的被改造的土槍打到,那你要保佑我沒事, 我若因此當總統,一定請您老作我的行政院長.到時候你就有24小時特勤保護,就不用躲到床底下(或是有時候躲到別人的床底下了).