2007年4月9日 星期一

熟男騎嬉皮車 暢快淋漓

Middle Age Crisis?


今年似乎流行重型機車題材電影。年初,由尼可拉斯凱吉主演的《惡靈戰警-Ghost Rider》才剛褪下科幻神話色彩,四月四日又有一部以Harley-Davidson哈雷機車為主題的《荒野大飆客-Wild Hogs》在台上映。


5 則留言:

長空飛劍65 提到...

Dr. Biker, 有些機車兩個把手又高又長,前輪也是特別往前伸,騎起來不像很舒服的樣子。這種結構有什麼好處?...還是比較拉風而已?!

Bikerdoc65 提到...

This kind of bike is more suitable for long distance riding on open roads. Its long wheelbase design absorbrs shocks better and provides smoother ride. Also, the rider's upright sitting position produces less strain to the back. The high handle bar positions are designed for accomodating these two above desgin changes. They block some viewing angles, therefore, it is more dangerous to ride it in busy streets.

ha...these expensive bikes are statement of wealth and luxury to separte them from those young kids' fast bikes. Also, they make those middle age wives jealous when they see young girls pay attention to their the other halves. This is the main reason why women doesn't want their husbands to ride it. Other reasons are just miniors ones. But, women never admit it. Men usually too dumb to understand their own wives. LOL

Bikerdoc65 提到...

...including me, of course. ha

tofu 提到...


Bikerdoc65 提到...

You are an expert already. But, this movie will turn you into Brad Pitt:

