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I read this news from TV too, but not as detailed as the connection through your post. Funny, looks like an isolated castle with trench surrounding.
I saw the picture of that house couple of days ago. This is one aspect of China I never encountered before, the owner of that house do have a good stand legally. 這件案子既荒唐又嚴肅,真正是多采多姿的世界。
引發海內外媒體大篇幅報導的重慶「最牛釘子戶」,開發商原訂昨天拆屋,但並未動手。弔詭的是,大陸各網站原來大肆報導事件進度,這幾天相關新聞突然自網上「蒸發」,「最牛釘子戶」楊武、吳蘋夫婦未來命運值得關注。 http://mag.udn.com/mag/world/storypage.jsp?f_MAIN_ID=240&f_SUB_ID=1669&f_ART_ID=62642http://mag.udn.com/mag/world/storypage.jsp?f_MAIN_ID=240&f_SUB_ID=1669&f_ART_ID=62736
3 則留言:
I read this news from TV too, but not as detailed as the connection through your post. Funny, looks like an isolated castle with trench surrounding.
I saw the picture of that house couple of days ago. This is one aspect of China I never encountered before, the owner of that house do have a good stand legally.