2011年10月16日 星期日

What time will you be home 你甚麼時候回家?

3 則留言:

tofu 提到...


我看05 或06以後, 再擺上幾個皮箱, 也是很有創意,...男的, 女的都可以. 哈 哈 哈.

小女子 提到...

Star 的解讀是,23回家要掃地,00要桿麵皮,02要煎蛋,04出門去打獵


Bikerdoc65 提到...

I think all of you are wrong. She is saying if you don't come back soon...

The janitor will visit at 23.
The baker will visit at 00.
The cook will visit at 02.
The police neighbor will visit at 04.
The milk man will visit at 06.
The postal man will visit at 08.
