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Do you have a soft bed? I thought 沈魚落雁 is a city girl. How romatic ! Does kid go with you?
We have air matress, just to make sure you pump it very well and it holds the air well.半夜的氣溫很難捉摸,身旁要有備用衣物,毛毯,隨手可用。城市人才需要去露營,不是嗎?上次跟小孩露營是他們小學時的事了。
ps. 還要有“尿壺”, 哈哈!我們有一次半夜上廁所,冷得要死,伸手不見五指,可是卻意外發現滿天繁星,才知道所謂的銀河是什麼。
發現露營還蠻好玩的. 當然,前提要有個能幹的老公,嘻嘻! 最期待的是等到半夜看滿天繁星, 真能忘掉一切煩惱. 這一次我這個city girl 是假裝和情郎私奔,還蠻刺激的.
Last year, I asked Ming to inform me if he go for another camping. Now, I know why he was quiet before the trip.
OK, no problem. We'll find a theme to play next year and incorporate you and April into the theme.
7 則留言:
Do you have a soft bed? I thought 沈魚落雁 is a city girl. How romatic ! Does kid go with you?
We have air matress, just to make sure you pump it very well and it holds the air well.
ps. 還要有“尿壺”, 哈哈!我們有一次半夜上廁所,冷得要死,伸手不見五指,可是卻意外發現滿天繁星,才知道所謂的銀河是什麼。
發現露營還蠻好玩的. 當然,前提要有個能幹的老公,嘻嘻!
最期待的是等到半夜看滿天繁星, 真能忘掉一切煩惱.
這一次我這個city girl 是假裝和情郎私奔,還蠻刺激的.
Last year, I asked Ming to inform me if he go for another camping. Now, I know why he was quiet before the trip.
OK, no problem. We'll find a theme to play next year and incorporate you and April into the theme.