2010年12月6日 星期一

四人的 reunion

感謝長空快手快腳將照片放上來,長空的自拍技巧高明,可以讓我們四人都入鏡。Star 在手機裡的照片總算拿出來,也一併放上來給大家看。

這回難得有機會與 長空 & 沉魚 見面聊聊,除了敘舊還增加親子關係的討論。孩子們都長大,有各自天地,我們更要珍惜與同學們相聚的機會。

另外,謝謝 Biker & Winston 稱讚,小女子厚顏一句:『二位的稱讚,可能是長空和Star的欣慰。』話說回來,沉魚 和 小女子多年來持續做瑜珈,或許對於外貌有些許的的幫助,也希望尚未養成運動習慣的同學,一起動起來!!!

9 則留言:

Bikerdoc65 提到...

Excellent pictures. Thank you for sharing with us. No doubt you ladies are a lot younger than I thought. LOL

What really caught my eye this time is the pair of shoes 長空 was wearing. Why are they so disproportionally large compare to the ladies shoes? haha

長空飛劍65 提到...

Eventually Dr. Winston Ho will write a report about "why my shoes is disproportionally larger compare to the ladie's shoes".
Just wait!

star 提到...

(是因為地面反光,造成錯覺嗎? 長空到底穿幾號鞋?)

winstonhohoho 提到...

After 50, I like to wear big shoe as Ming. 1. it is very difficult to bend over to tight the shoe, 2 it is very easy to take off the shoe.

From the side view, I found Ming's shoe looks big is because he did not bother to put his foot into the shoe.

Bikerdoc65 提到...

Are you saying that Ming was actually in bare foot? LOL

Bikerdoc65 提到...

May be we should send the picture to ask Wikileaks if they know what is really going on. lol

長空飛劍65 提到...


其實我一直在研究為什麼Star & 小女子貼的字體是漂亮的“標楷體”而我們的卻都是細細黑黑的 細明體?

star 提到...
star 提到...
