2010年10月4日 星期一

How to Use Google Pinyin

1. Download 谷歌拼音輸入法and set it up

2. Press ‘Alt’ + ‘Shift’ simultaneously to get the toolbar appear in your screen

3. Press ‘Alt’ + ‘Shift’ again, the toolbar will disappear from your screen

4. Press ‘Shift’ to toggle between English and Chinese input without closing Google Pinyin tool, you will notice the toolbar will be in 英(English Mode) then type your English words.

5. Hold ‘Shift’ + ‘Ctrl’ + ‘T’ to switch between 簡體 & 繁體.

6. Refer to keyboard table to input Chinese with English keyboard.

7. Conventional order (excluding w and y), derived from the zhuyin system, is:

b p m f d t n l g k h j q x zh ch sh r z c s

2 則留言:

Bikerdoc65 提到...


winstonhohoho 提到...

Thanks. I will learn it soon.