2010年10月3日 星期日


在重人兄“充滿希望”的Maxwell Sensors, Inc. 公司的會客室合影留念。

2 則留言:

winstonhohoho 提到...

We were so happy to see Wei-Chi, and talked about past, now, and retirement plan. Talked about how to deal with growup children, how to take care of aging parents, and how expensive the medical bill in US. We had a good time, and said see you next year at 35-year reunion.

Ming, can we teach us how to type chinese in Google?

Bikerdoc65 提到...

Thank you guys for your hospitalities. You all drove long distance for this short mini reunion. I had a great time to chat with you all and thanks for the lunch and dinner.

I was really impressed by Winstons' company and what he has accomplished. I bet he will become the first $billion-dollar man in our class. hehe

Take care and see you all in the 2011 reunion.