2010年4月26日 星期一

Mini reunion


4 則留言:

winstonhohoho 提到...

It is a party for Mr. Honda. He has not seen Wen and Ming for more than 30 years. We had a very good time.

Bikerdoc65 提到...


His house is so big the wireless signal can't reach the other side of the house.

tofu 提到...

難怪我說那位白淨書生是誰? 原來是honda 先生.

好久不見, 同樣在台灣,反而不見他真面目.


長空飛劍65 提到...

人之初 :At the beginning of life.
性本善 :Sex is good.
性相近 :Basically, all the sex are same.
習相遠 :But it depends on how the way you do it.
茍不教 :If you do not practice all the time.
性乃遷 :Sex will leave you.
教之道 :The way of learning it..
貴以專 :is very important to make love with only one person..
昔孟母 :Once a great mother, Mrs. Meng.
擇鄰處 :chose her neighbor to avoid bad sex influence.
子不學 :If you don’t study hard,.
斷機杼 :Your Dick will become useless..
竇燕山 :Dou, the Famous.
有義方 :owned a very effective exciting medicine.
教五子 :All his five son took it.
名俱揚 :and their sexual ability were well-known..