2010年2月6日 星期六

The Last Days of Lehman Brothers

Copied from: http://jsmineset.com/ Feb 05 2010 By: Jim Sinclair

The BBC made a special titled "The Last Days of Lehman Brothers," which is a must see.

Having seen this, ask yourself, what has changed? All of this disaster has been brought on by selling nothing for something and profiting in an infinite way.

That nothing for something is called OTC derivatives. The mountain of OTC derivatives, although the valuation method has been altered, is not only still there but has grown.

What has changed? Only an accounting rule by the FASB so that fair market valuations are no longer required. The liabilities of all these financial entities still far outweigh their assets. All that has changed is the ability to lie about it. If you can see the truth here, then you can see really nothing has changed.

A failure of an economic recovery and we are going directly back to the Last Days of Lehman with one exception. The next documentary will the last day of the majority of States of the USA.

Trichet will bail out those euro members so requiring it. The USA will bail out all failing States. The bigger argument today benefiting the US dollar will then bury it.

Nothing has changed. Nothing will change. The economic recovery is not. That which is not, cannot be sustainable.

Wake up, please. It is all smoke and mirrors. The West is screwed.

The dollar as a reserve currency is dying. The Chinese economy will be the world’s leading economy.
