2010年2月28日 星期日

增胖值得 景美女將 「拔」得世界冠軍

林佩怡/台北報導 中國時報 2010.02.28



 打敗大陸隊 教練隊員相擁喜泣



 三月赴韓再戰 得先減重40公斤



2010年2月27日 星期六

林海峰愛徒 張栩 摘日本棋壇大滿貫

張栩奪棋聖 摘日本棋壇大滿貫
2010-02-27 中國時報 【黃菁菁/東京廿六日電】





 囊括七大頭銜 登錄全日第二人




 愛徒獲最高榮譽 林海峰很高興 ...全文請點標題連結 及其相關新聞.

有看過185公分長的菜瓜, 4斤重的檸檬

185公分絲瓜 農友拚金氏紀錄2010-02-27 中國時報 沈揮勝/南投報導





 繁衍長絲瓜 五年來成長驚人



 信義明德村 巨大作物不稀奇



2010年2月17日 星期三

2010年2月6日 星期六

Taiwanese Airforce and Cortez Miracle - U-2 Missions

When I was at 10-15 years old, some of my friends' fathers served in Taiwanese airforce base in Hsin-Chu, which is about about 30 miles south of another airforce base at TaoYuan. I was told by my little friends that there were reconnaissance flights to China and some were shut down and those pilots never came back. One of my best friends father was one of them. I was about 10 years old, and he was only one year older. He never said a word about his father, nor about the mission stories. I never had courage to ask him about those things either. It seemed no one knew those were actual U-2 flight missions.

I was also told by others that the mission team was called "Western Company". But, I always had doubts about the truthfullness of those stories because I didn't think Taiwan had such kind of airplane to carry out those long distance flights. I never heard any other things related to those missions until today, when I saw this news:


50年X檔案解密 美不明飛行物 竟與我國有關

This is his personal description of this accident, in English:


After digging it with Google, I found some very interesting historical records, which also highlights Taiwnese' air force's sacrifices and contributions during the cold war era. This slide presentation told so many heart breaking as well as heroic stories about those events.

U-2 Landing at Cortez (August 3, 1959)


You can see how difficult it was to land U-2 from the short video I found on Youtube:


The Last Days of Lehman Brothers

Copied from: http://jsmineset.com/ Feb 05 2010 By: Jim Sinclair

The BBC made a special titled "The Last Days of Lehman Brothers," which is a must see.

Having seen this, ask yourself, what has changed? All of this disaster has been brought on by selling nothing for something and profiting in an infinite way.

That nothing for something is called OTC derivatives. The mountain of OTC derivatives, although the valuation method has been altered, is not only still there but has grown.

What has changed? Only an accounting rule by the FASB so that fair market valuations are no longer required. The liabilities of all these financial entities still far outweigh their assets. All that has changed is the ability to lie about it. If you can see the truth here, then you can see really nothing has changed.

A failure of an economic recovery and we are going directly back to the Last Days of Lehman with one exception. The next documentary will the last day of the majority of States of the USA.

Trichet will bail out those euro members so requiring it. The USA will bail out all failing States. The bigger argument today benefiting the US dollar will then bury it.

Nothing has changed. Nothing will change. The economic recovery is not. That which is not, cannot be sustainable.

Wake up, please. It is all smoke and mirrors. The West is screwed.

The dollar as a reserve currency is dying. The Chinese economy will be the world’s leading economy.