2009年8月25日 星期二

China's 'Problem': Too Much Money

I like this kind of serious reading. It forces me to think deeply. Could China be the second big bubble? Those comments of this article are interesting too. Enjoy!

"This is not to say that China is without its own set of social, economic and environmental problems. However, what sets China apart from many other nations is that a) it is working at fixing these problems (rather than hiding or simply ignoring them); b) it can actually point to positive progress in dealing with these problems; and c) it can afford to fund the necessary programs to continue addressing these problems in the future."

5 則留言:

Bikerdoc65 提到...

It takes incredible courage to tell those world leading banks to get lost.




Bikerdoc65 提到...

Basically Chinese are saying those derivatives are not valid. A contract which is not valid infers a form of a fraudulent contract. I believe this is a trigger which creates the avalanche that destroys these illegal derivatives. Many of these derivative originators will go under. No one canhelp them. You probaly still recall the figure I posted before: $1.4 quadrillion junks. Where do you hide you money? Nothing but gold. I wish we all survive from this coming disaster. 2011 could be the begining of the worst. Be careful and take care of yourselves.

Bikerdoc65 提到...

Martin Armstrong is the master of economical cycle analyst. This is what he has been telling us:


Bikerdoc65 提到...

Yes, Chinese people have too much money in their saving account. Gold is a currency for protection against printing press.

I am amazed by their discipline in finance. They did the exact right thing:

China pushes silver and gold investment to the masses


Bikerdoc65 提到...

One short video you need to watch:

Economic Armageddon by 2012 - Gerald Celente Predicts


Please....it is getting late to protect yourselves if you haven't started.