2009年7月21日 星期二


大學時聽的唱片都在這裡,我該如何處理?keep it or junk it?

Out from all the dust and “壁虎的蛋殼”, here is an old song played by an old stereo.

9 則留言:

wandering65 提到...

I would say-- keep them.
If you have space for them, why not. Part of your life journey.

Bikerdoc65 提到...

You got a treasure!

The shelf lives of these vinyl records are limited They will fall apart eventually. My suggestion is to digitize them. I guess you know how to do it. But, here is how: http://www.popularmechanics.com/technology/how_to/4315280.html

You can sell the copies to the classmates. I'll order one CD. I fugure you, Star, Long Joe and Kong are ready to "rock" again. LOL

長空飛劍65 提到...

Believe it or not, I still have that old stereo sitting there covered with dust. If by any luck I'll play it and shoot a video to share with you guys.

As for the music I already have all the 70's songs in mp3, thanks to file sharing :)...

tofu 提到...



winstonhohoho 提到...

I was thinking to buy your CD like Bikerdoc suggested. But after hear you old song played on old stereo, I decide to pass.

I kept my records for a long time (from Taiwan, Arizona, New York, Arizona, California, ~ 15 moving) until about 10 years ago I need more space.

Ming, I know it is difficult and emotional, but it is OK to let go. you still have old friends. HAHAHA.

Bikerdoc65 提到...

The old vinly record player plays music in a unique soft tune, which could be lost by digitizing it with marden technologies. You probably have to compare the difference and try to find if it still can resonate you.

I have to admit that I have lost a lot of those old feelings. Have fun in Taiwan.

Any one have any to do plan for our 2011 class reunion at Thanksgiving time?

wandering65 提到...

I like your idea, Dr.Ho--- It's OK to let go some stuff. I'll clean up the garage a bit; throw away some which have been kept there for more than 10 years and not been touched, only couldn't make up my mind to get rid of them. Yes very often our emotion about belongings also has put a lot burden on us.

長空飛劍65 提到...

My rule of thumb about these stuffs without real value is to take a picture and throw it away.
If you have problem decide yourself then just post it here, we'll be more than happy to make a decision for you.

wandering65 提到...

Miscellaneous items, Ming -- things for memories, expecting useful one day, some kept there for no good reason. I have joked my garage is a rubbish storage.

Like you said-- take photos then drop some of them-- make life easier, ha.